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Posts posted by ASAT

  1. Hi Chuck, I have been perusing the plans and monograph, I noticed the bollard uprights are not on the 1/4” thick first installment sheet, the chock is though? Also is it necessary to use a hardwood for the gunport framing? Am I wrong that all we will see of that framing is going to be painted? Wondering if basswood will be ok there or does a harder wood take the paint better? Sorry but I haven’t used paint much on previous models...... I’m probably missing something.

    And also, are you going to provide a sheet for the gunport framing uprights that are all the different angles? I can see how they would ease some of the pain of that framing 😄 thanks in advance.....  


  2. I have the plans, instructions and fittings to do a scratchbuild from Amati, and I have seen the plans and instruction book from Caldercraft- imho the fittings,castings and weaponry from Caldercraft are superior as well as the design of the fo’c’sle, bulwarks and mortar housings. Everything else is pretty much the same - can’t speak to the wood quality as I use my own..... hope that helps


  3. Hi E.J., I have this kit laying around collecting dust, I like your use of dummy cannon blocks vs frames - how far back did you inset the blocks on each deck (how far will the barrels protrude from the planking?) and are you leveling them to the decks or the Hull shape? Will you use a square tube for the framing or try to fill in the individual pieces?   Nice work so far....

  4. Jason - wow, haven’t checked in at MSW for awhile but your build, and the pics on these last two pages just reflect so much passion and artistry, you are one outstandingly gifted craftsman - it’s builds like these that keep us all pursuing that next level. Thank you for your amazing efforts!  You gotta rig it man, we can all benefit from your attention to detail and pursuit of authenticity.  And it would just add that level of realism that sets some so far apart.





  5. Mike, I noticed no filler blocks on V3, is that due to the larger scale or do you feel that was a contributing factor in V2’s twist? Very nice work btw, I admire your tenacity! I’m looking forward to more updates. I’ve been waiting for this project to become “mere mortal’s obtanium” for some time, even putting off starting a Diana or Confederacy build in lieu of the reality of this Winnie.... I am glad it’s grown to 1/4 scale - I remember voting for that several years ago!  😎



  6. 4 hours ago, ChrisLBren said:

    Hey Chris,


    The other model that would be a huge seller would be the HMS Prince.  I think you were working on a prototype with Amati.  An HMS Prince along with a HMS Victory, USS Constitution, and an 18th Century English or French Frigate could be the basis for a line of ship models that would sell as they are popular subjects.   I do agree with Lou regarding a plank on frame build - however these can be very challenging for the average modeler and therefore a smaller niche.  Your new technique of full guns and carriages (none of this dummy gun nonsense from the 70s designs) is also a  big selling point.  

    Hey! A POF model of Prince!! Nobody wants to plank that bluff bow below the wales anyway! 😁

  7. Hi Chris, welcome back to MSW and I assume you are back home in the UK as well? I am sure that your new venture will be a success for all us modelers and I for one feel like you have a unique gift for what subjects will attract the attention of a large portion of the wooden ship model community. It must be refreshing to be able to finally have not only the creative control but the production and distribution control as well. (I hope I am not assuming too much!). 

    How do you feel about developing a POF kit that can produce consistent, repeatable results? It seems to me with the advances in technology there could be a laser cut jig system that would allow most modelers a high level of success? Something that might give modelers a legitimate source for a POF kit of high quality without having to support the unscrupulous vendors in China? Perhaps even produce it there to keep it affordable? Is there even a way to produce a kit there and still protect your investment?  I feel like they are producing some cutting edge stuff (some of which look like your designs!!??) that makes the current market look like they are still in the dark ages with their ages old kits and techniques and are definately competing in the marketplace. The only other innovative options are the recent crop of your designs, which may or may not ever see the real market. Well till you get going that is.... :)  Anyway, it’s great to see you throwing your hat into the ring and I can’t wait to support your endeavors!!  Best wishes for much success!!  





  8. Mike, I think you are familiar with Chris L Bren's Confederacy? I seem to remember a post where he stopped dyeing his pear wood black with fiebing shoe dye in favor of the tamiya flat black paint with a top coat of watco's danish oil - said it was much less trouble? Seems like it would be easier to apply and control results as well? Just for your consideration as I think the contrast of his color scheme utilizing pear with various treatments looks so awesome.....



  9. Dave, this little guy is looking great! I did the same thing with the AL Harvey, just like you mentioned in the first post, it's nice to know that with some nice wood and a Byrnes saw and thickness sander you can turn just about anything into a great model! I had a lot of fun "re building" the deck stuff and upgrading the authenticity and while I am not a real stickler, it was a believable effort of the type. Just like this little schooner is turning out to be.... Amazing combination of wood color, I really like using red heart and holly together, such a great contrast but you are taking it to another level! I admire your tenacity with the yellow heart, I used some of that for a Syren model and I didn't like its brittleness and resistance to bending, tried my patience and lots of re do's, sure does look great as the yellow stripe that is prevalent on so many color schemes though, and once done it sands well and looks great! Couple of questions on your technique, what kind of rosewood are your Wales done in and how do you keep the pencil dust from "dirtying" up the planking when you sand it? I use a graphite pencil on one side of the planks but I have a hard time keeping the planking crisp and clean like yours. Scraping seems to work better but I can't seem to get as level results scraping. Sorry for the long windedness, but she is really looking great.... I will go back and read the entire thread, hope I didn't ask something you already explained.....



  10. Nah, I bet if you sent chuck the AOTS scan he could do the conversion as it is a matter of straight / angled lines, or maybe he could alter the Confed lights, but I wouldn't want to speak for him. Also do you have a blueprint company in your location? I know I have a place that can take a PDF scan and convert it to a dxf file, might check your area for a printing place that does construction or industrial / machining type printing?



  11. Bold moves Jason, at first I though the differences were pretty subtle, but the more I look at it the more glaring the shortcomings of the kit become. Especially the window alignment and overall shape. As usual you are executing the changes well and I am certain that you would not have been satisfied if you had left them stock, have you determined if these changes will affect the side galleries? At any rate, awesome work ......



  12. I think some kits do, I think I remember some bluff bow kits back in the day with blocks, and there are still some (Victory models and Caldercraft I think) that provide a shaping bulkhead (a ply piece) that the planks terminate in to. I would say it's a question of cost and necessity, lots of different ways to skin that cat so the manufacturers leave it up to the builder, kind of like adding a rabbit or bearding line



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