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Everything posted by ASAT

  1. I am selling a 1990’s vintage Sergal Sovereign of the Seas kit, also throwing in the McKay Sovereign of the Seas book and two billets of nice Swiss pear and one billet of Castillo boxwood (about 18x3.5x1 inches ) in case you have the ability to mill your own wood and want to upgrade the wood provided in the kit. Also includes 12 bottles of Floquil paints in gold, blue, red, tar lumber, black and 2 bottles are some kind of tinting oil. The pigment is collected at the bottom but I stirred and shook a bottle of the gold and it looks fine to me. There was a model expo receipt in the kit when I bought it with a date of 8/28/94 and the castings are really nice and detailed compared to some examples I have seen on some build logs of the newer kits. All the wood billets are nice and flat including the keel parts and they are all there according to the plans…. I’m asking $600 and split the actual shipping costs - it’s pretty heavy so I figure around 50 or 60 dollars to ship it…. Here’s a bunch of pics….
  2. Hi Chris, so where does the Surprise decision put the Bristol in the order of things to come?
  3. Aggie look great! Awesome coppering job! That’s a big cat! ( the model and the cat) is that a Maine coon? 🙂
  4. Wonderful! Absolutely fine work and what a great result! You are definitely doing great justice to this project! The gun placements, railings and stern balconies and just the overall symmetry and attention to detail in that last shot are so awesome! Great work Yves!
  5. Been itching to start a POF model but decided to finish a couple projects that I have already started, so I’m continuing with the pear planking on my Revenge. I thought the 5mm planking provided in the kit was out of scale (too wide) so I’ve been using 4mm wide planks - takes a lot more planks but looks better to me. Golf and RC Glider flying season are still a ways off so hopefully I’ll make some good progress before then.
  6. Are you aware that Chris Watton of Vanguard Models is currently developing a 1/64 scale kit of the Bristol? Not sure if you are wanting to scratch build but his efforts always produce the finest examples of the subjects he designs in kit form. I’m anxiously awaiting this one!
  7. Hi Ulises! Your Soleil is looking great, I like the aged patina, very unique!
  8. Wow, that reminds me of the vintage (1992) Mantua SOS kit I also have waiting in the wings….looking great - I’ll move further comments and talk of build logs into your Soleil log so we don’t clutter up Kevin’s build log….
  9. That’s great U, are you planning on doing a build log? If you do, I will definitely follow it and maybe even start one with you, that way we could collaborate on the frustrating parts! 🤔😀
  10. So did you get the kit? I bought it a year or so ago, have been intimidated to start due to the level of difficulty and the mods/ excellent skills required to overcome the kit’s weaknesses. I started on the keel and jig assy. but had bad parts on the jig and after receiving them I haven’t started again. The keel and deadwood assembly fit is awesome, getting all the seams lined up and mating symmetrically is a challenge, nice material and great laser cutting so far….
  11. C’mon man, this ain’t Vanguard Models we’re talking about! 😀
  12. Jim said he would be closed till mid September for a vacation/shop inventory and business or something…. Should be open now, I ordered a few saw blades from them Wednesday and received order confirmation the same day…. Don’t know if that was computer generated- have not received a Shipped notification yet though so IDK…. But the notice on the website says they were planning on re opening mid September.
  13. Your rigging is looking great Kevin! I really dislike the rigging but my wife loves the look of a fully rigged ship so guess what? 🤣 Keep going!
  14. Looking great Kevin! Your best effort to date I think? Rigging is awesome, this is going to look so impressive fully rigged, definitely needs a spot of high honor in the house!
  15. Absolutely wonderful Yves! Such a huge undertaking and you are doing it such justice! What is the plan for displaying it? Do you have a special area for it and are you planning on a case for her?
  16. Wow Yves, what a cool model and I really liked that video! Your craftsmanship shows in both of your modeling endeavors, my Father in law had a sweet Marklin layout, he emigrated from Germany in 1961, was quite the mechanic and pilot, really lived the American dream! I will continue to check in on your project! Awesome!
  17. Not the Vanguard but the Caldercraft Agamemnon done in pear, maple and beech by Roger Antrobus at http://www.modelshipgallery.com/gallery/misc/sail/aga-64-ra/ra-index.html
  18. Your point is valid Jorge, and you are absolutely correct. But you will receive your books long before you will receive any communication from Seawatch.... I guess there is solace in that....
  19. I ordered 23 October and received them today... they were packaged very well and all is well. Agree about the lack of communication, Just need to be patient.
  20. Is it loud? I would like a quieter one....
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