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About Randy

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  1. Mark, Thank you for deleting the email. I was not using my brain when I posted that info. Randy
  2. Rich, The club president is David Lockhart and his email is (email addy deleted). A lot of the meetings he does a zoom meeting and you could possibly interact with us in that way. Randy I deleted the email addy so he doesn't get spammed to death. MSW gets trawled by a lot of web crawlers and bots looking for such information. Please PM him. Mark
  3. Rich, Welcome to the forum. I live in Norcross and would like you to know that we have a club here in the greater Atlanta area. It is the Atlanta model shipwrights and we meet at the Hobbytown in Buford on the 1st of Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM There are a bunch of old gray haired men that would you welcome you aboard. We also have a website atlantamodelshipwrights . Let me know if I can be of help to you. Randy
  4. All of the forecastle beams are in place. The hanging knees and lodging knees are installed. Any suggestions are appreciated. pictures are included.
  5. I have done some work on the forecastle area. I have the beams in place and also the jeer bitts. I am in the process of the installing the lodging and hanging knees.
  6. Juergen, I had forgotten about your single frame build. Great looking work. I can hardly wait to see your frames. Randy
  7. I really appreciate the nice comments. I really enjoy the time that spend on the Triton and following the Triton forum. Daniel, the paint I used on the Triton is badger brand GMO red. It is an acryilac paint.
  8. It has been over a year since i have posted on my build. I will post some pictures of the current state of my build. Work has kept me very busy. I am working on the forecastle area of the Triton since that seems to me to be the easier than then the stern with all of quarter galliries and stern windows. I will add some pictures that show the hawse holes, quarterdeck timbers and catheads.
  9. Daniel, The beams for the Triton will be a lot easier than beams and pillars for the house. Enjoy the holidays and the children. Randy
  10. Daniel, A good looking scarf. When you start placing the frames you might want to just place the aft frames and fore frames on the keel first. Leave the middle frames out so you can fair the frames with all the taper. It made life easier for me. Randy
  11. In the next few days I will get some pictutres posted of where I am at now. I lost a hard drive about six months ago and so also lost all of the pictures of my build. I have the gun deck beams, knees, carlings and ledges in. Also some deck planking and furniture. Right now I am planking the inner bulwarks. Lets get this triton thread active. Randy
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