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Posts posted by Adrieke

  1. thanks Mick :)


    this is onlt my second ship. i did them on the virginia too but this one did mean a lot more extra work


    there have been discussion on this forum about usign them or not as at the scale we are working at they would hardly be noticable. i did some tests on the parts of the decks that are not visible and after a few tries had somethign that was visibly pleasing to me so i went with it. I am considereing doing them on the endeavour on the hull too but i realise thats a lot more dificult then the decks


    thanks Robbyn . the bar is always open for you and Sjors :)


    Thanks Sjors. sit down and have a drink. ooh and once in a while if you hand me over a drink while you 2 are watching me sweating away it would be appreciated :P


    thanks Mark. it was mainly to get Sjors drunk so he doesnt ask me when i ll start the G F ^_^


    you can all join plenty of room :)



  2. thanks Randy :) i am glad they are done . i did make a mistake i think with them but so far no one has made any commetn about ti :P


    thanks geoffrey :)


    thanks Jim  :) you  asked pictures and i got them the next day not like some on here who leave you dangling for weeks . you al  know who i mean :P. i havent had a look in on your Stagecoach build but i will today :)

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