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Posts posted by Adrieke

  1. hi Greg


    I will be using the wood that came with the kit and hoping I get a good result from it.


    after counting and calculating from pictures and the 360 degree views from the museum website I have concluded the follow


    the planks they used for the deck are about 285 mm in width (the board plank my model is sitting on is that exact width what a coincidence)

    at 1/80 that would mean my planks need to be about 3.5 mm in width. the kit comes with 5 mm strips of wood


    so major first decision to make. not sure if I even can consistently reduce them in width (it will have to be all by hand)and if I still would have enough of them to cover the deck

  2. another small update 


    fitted the first two curved railings . they where a bit awkward as the head posts have different angles there but I think I got them pretty ok. will se when the glue dries




    with this done I can now fit the paddlewheel in permanently :)


    tomorrow I will also buy the necessary parts to fit the 3rd deck and the connector to be build into the display bottom for the powerpack. I need to do that now before fixing anything on the 3rd deck (same goes for the triangle ornaments


    i feel like i am in the same stage as when i started the rigging of the Virginia . still a lot to do but seeing the end of it :)


    then i can concentrate more on the endeavour . maybe even start the Gorch Fock before Sjors has made his first ratline :P


    have another beer sjors :cheers:

  3. thanks for looking in Rowand :)


    yup so far it seems i ll i have done is sanding lol


    i have some website wher you can upload pictures and by pointing at a color it wil give you a chart with colors close to the one in the picture. This should get me in the rigth direction together with photos of the replica and of the other build logs here :)


    i am going to try and adjust as close to the replica as my skill level alowes and paint her exactly the same except most likely for the bottom (white) as i want to be able to see the nice planking (i hope ;) )

  4. funny littl econversation my wife and me had yesterday :


    once in awhile i show her the forum and the beautiful builds on her. she noticed the title captain above my picture and she said was that so i explained to her about the number of posts .


    anyway last night in the car when out shopping we where bantering a bit about who is in charge and i said wel i am because i am drivign and she goes 


    wel you may be the captain but i am the admiral. i look at her half shocked half laughing my wife knows nothing about ranks or the honorary title on here .; ofcourse i had to explain to her and she laughed


    its just in them isnt it

  5. ouch David. nasty break but fixable ( i had some of those on my curved walls onthe kom)


    if you go for making a new part in plywood make sure to feel which way it bends best that was the last mistake i made.


    for holding things when there is no hold like the bow what i do is use rubber bands. ofcourse they d slip off but not if you just clamp some  pegs on top and let the band rest against it

  6. thank Sjors . i had read that tutorial before. when i saw some pictures of the replica i noticed that the planking is not uniform which makes sense. if you got a smal part to plank and acording to the pattern you would need 2 planks joining you d put a full plank in. my idea is to plank the model the same way as the replica. same goes for the trenailing. so far i only put trenails on the end of the planks but ofcourse each plank was nailed into each of the beams (or whatever they are called) they sit on :)


    thanks John dont think  i kave these pics so they will certainly help :)

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