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Posts posted by Adrieke

  1. well what a great long weekend been in bed/sleeping  most of the time as I haven't been feeling well :(


    only thing I did was work on the stairs leading to the steering cabin. AL just makes you put 4 supports and then put the planks on it. doesn't make sense to me as the middle p[lank would have no support. so I crated a frame that supports them :)


  2. Hi Adrieke,

    Have you or anybody else got an thoughts or comments on how you drilled the mast holes, please Mate? It's a pretty critical part of the build and any comments or advice would be welcome..........




    i drilled some holes just through the deck as i had forgot to glue in the reinforcements so i needed to know where to put them.  they should be at the correct position but i wil check when i get to that point. what i ma thinking is of buildign some jig where the angle can be adjusted and add an agle measuremnt tool and a wire with lead on it so it shows the angle. i ll make a drawing of what i have in mind :)

  3. thanks Tom. no worries i am on the home stretch i think :) which is good because 'endy' (endeavour) is winking at me to come and paint her :)


    thanks Mick . yup still waiting on my parts from OcCre for the GF and going to mail them for my personal plaque :) . it is going well just a few things to figure out but i am confident i cna take those last few hurdles . whta i want done this weekend is finish those pesky brass triangles then i wont have to put her upside down again :)


    thank Robbyn . yup been tempted for weeks to put it on but i knew with my clumsy hands i would break soemthing when fitting the back rails (and i did even without it on lol)

  4. thanks David :)


    thanks mobbsie lots of work and fun yup :)


    today I finished adding the triangles on the head posts of the lower level with that I have now finished all steps to 34 out of a total of78 steps (photographs). of course since I didn't follow the instructions there are several steps after that I have already finished too :)



    I have also glued the steering cabin on to its deck . I cut a hole into the deck as initially that's how I would access the lights on the 3rd deck stateroom. however I changes tactics a bit and the whole deck together with steering cabin will be removable. this makes the hole now an access to the steering cabin lights wiring underneath which you can see a bit on the second picture below




    tomorrow I will start on finishing the lower level railings . I will need to bend 4 strips of wood to follow the curve at the back of the ship

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