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Posts posted by Adrieke

  1. thanks David :)


    @ Keith yup thats why the door is locked for now dont want anyone falling in especialy after a few beers :P


    and yes it would be driven like that . i ll get some side pictures that will show it better :) i actualy tought oif putting an electrical motor in wiht a crankshaft to make it work but they are all 3V and i would need to figure out how to slow it down enough so not this time. would be cool making one of these with a reall working steam engine :)


    i suppose these things dont need to be that agile and stuck on sandbanks proabaly meant getting help from another ship

    thanks Sjors i am happy with it :)

  2. hello John.


    could you post those pics here so i can have a look myself ?


    i am hoping she wont be in too long in maintenace so by the time i a have done her hull planking i can visit and take pics of the deck and rigging :)


    i am now waiting on the paints . un the mean time i am drawing up plans of the decks on how i wil plank her using the photos i have so when i am ready for that i just have to follow the plan :)


    mena thing i am really pondering is on how to make the deck planks look like on the real thing . i havent ever doen any weathering and stuff so i this wil be a challenge for me

  3. dont worry David . i can tell you are determined and together with patience thats is the most important in building :)


    pateintly :P waiting for the pics


    with OcCre you hope you have to ask them to send missing/damaged parts as you get the nice plaque (wish i had known that before i asked for my replacement parts through the hobby store instead of OcCre direct :huh: )

  4. thanks Crackers

    I am  always interested in expanding my library :) . one day I might scratch build one in more detail :)


    not much progress. the part that I broke and fixed is a weak spot and makes the paddle wheel dip down and hit the sides. I am hoping with the help of the rigging I can lift it in the right position and add a strip of wood underneath for more strength


    I have also started planking the 2 curved room floors as they will be visible through the windows


    progress will be slow this week as it is cold at night and I am still in  a bit of discomfort (saw the Doctor and got 5 more weeks of medication prescribed :( )

  5. thank you JIm. no need to worry its a high bench so i cant jump off mu chiar its more like sliding of it :P


    thank you Anja. the sunshine has arrived much better day today :)


    had some difficulties with the paddle wheel in how to get it in properly so it cna still spin but it hink i have got it. just add the 2 arms and i am done :)

  6. thanks Sjors I will try my best :)


    hi John.


    I did not notice the curving on the fore deck I ll have to re examine the pictures to make sure.

    the planks provided are 5 mm but I also have some 7 mm planks that I think I can use from my Gorch Fock kit . these are for the second hull planking but there should be plenty to sneak a few of them :)


    I was going to visit the replica but unfortunately she ll be in maintenance from this Monday. I didn't think to check with the museum if the plans for the replica would be available or not.


    I doubt the ventilation openings are original. I considered researching the Endeavour to how she looked in real but as with all these vessels its not easy as lots of information is unknown and some things are assumed. I am a perfectionist ( my mind that is not my clumsy hands lol ) and I would probably get frustrated with finding out everything. So instead of trying to figure out the real endeavour I chose to make the replica :)


    the ventilation openings is my way of finding out if I am ready to do some scratch building . if it doesn't work out I ll leave them out


    will you be posting a build log ?

  7. I just ordered the admiralty paint set for the endeavour (9 bottles in total) :)


    while I am waiting my first "little" change


    one of the pictures shows some ventilation openings.



    I ll try to create these as they are shown. there is 8 of these next to each other  in 3 different sizes (11,14 and 16mm wide)


    this is my first real try at scratch building a part :)

  8. not sure where my mind was yesterday but the scale is 1/60 not 1/80 still the correct width of the planks is 3.5 mm


    for instance the width at the bow end is 128 minus the 2 wales and the king plank which I leave at 5 mm thats 113mm left


    there are 15 rows of planks on each side plus the waterway which Is about the same width as the planks makes :


    113 / 32 = 3.53125


    I marked some lines out on the bow (they are not accurate but just to give me an idea ). the hatch opening will need to be moved to the middle a bit. also on the replica this hatch is a square not a rectangle


  9. schol Sjors


    working a lot on the wiring construction and on the paddle wheel. the 2 parts of the arms that drive it are supposed to be hold together with a piece of brass rod but I am having difficulty flattening the ends so they stay on. am now trying with a toothpick.

    also added some rings on each side of the paddlewheel so it wont hit against the sides when it spins.


    its a pretty miserable day here in Sydney . rain and cold but have a little heater and a radio in my little workshop to cheer me up :)



  10. Adrieke, that's the same pic I eventually found after a rather merry chase around the Internet. First I had to find out who Duncan McLean was, then ..... :D .


    Here's my next. Good luck on this one :


    attachicon.gifMy Pic.jpg


    :cheers:  Danny


    I hope you had fun . even with knowing the name I couldn't find too much about the ship :cheers:

  11. thank you Sjors


    well the beer is always cold in the bar on the KOM see when your shift is over come around :)


    yes it is a good feeling to see it come together and I don't have to worry about getting bored as I have plenty more build on the endeavour and the GF :)


    today I purchased some stuff :


    a set of 6  small files some electrical parts and more storage boxes. I also got some epoxy glue but after reading instructions realised that the nozzles need to be replaced after each use and there are only 2 of them.


    first thing I did was put the DC connector in the display base and tested it out.



    soldered 2 last two wires on to the board for the 8 led's on the 3rd deck stateroom and the steering house



    the idea is that the 3rd deck will fit into the connectors when placing it on top

    I have added the metal plate to hold the 3rd deck on unfortunately one of the nuts didn't stick and am having a hard time adding it as it needs to be underneath and the metal plate is pretty much stuck to the ship


    hopefully I get it sorted out tomorrow and will be able to add the lights for second deck again and have the 3rd deck in place for finishing off



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