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    Adrieke got a reaction from Kevin in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thank you for the comments
    sorry I haven't been posting for awhile but I have taking a bit of a break from the online world
    I have been slowly but steadily working on this build though
    second planking is finished
    I have applied a first layer of filler, mainly to seal most of the gaps between the planks and have sanded most of it smooth
    after that I have added the last keel part and used some more filler to seal the gaps between that part and the hull

    I will now finish the sanding and then check for bumps and such and apply more filler
    this will then finally allow me to start the painting of the hull
  2. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    3/4 of the planking is done.
    On the port side I have used some filler to see how it's gonna be.
    And it is smooth !
    Nice layer for the next planking.
    Now I can close her and then it is totally filling and sanding.
    A few pictures to show you.


  3. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Update time.....
    I have now make 2 planks with the strange bend......
    I think that this is the meaning.
    If not, please tell me !
    I have also go from the keel upwards....
    Still a few more planks to go !

  4. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Before you think that I have doing nothing.....wrong !
    A small update on the first planking.
    It need a little touch up but that's for when the first planking is all done.
    I go now to the middle to see how it goes to the stern.
    There is a strange angle so I have to see how that goes.
    And I have to reduce the sternpost from 5 mm to 1 mm.....
    Otherwise problems with the coppering .
    But, enough talk ,time for pictures.

  5. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    What have I done today.....
    I start planking the hull.
    On both sides there are now 4 planks on it.
    This cost me a fortune on the glue.
    These planks are long !
    Of course they need sanding but that's for later.
    I have removed the upper gunport sheet otherwise it's in the way.
    Also removed the upper gun deck again.
    Same story.

  6. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    The first planks are on !
    It's the planking of the inner bulwark.
    And you can never have enough clamps   

  7. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Just a quick update, basically because the time clock has hit 450 hours.
    Quarter gallery construction is moving along nicely.  They are basically done and painted.  Note the rabbet inside the window frames......these will support the windows in a bit so they won't topple into the galleries:

    There are 4 beaded moldings that need to be installed before we get to the windows themselves (not to mention a veritable plethora of photoetched adornments).  This is the fun stuff!
  8. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Managed to get a few things done before Spring drives me outdoors
    Firstly, I talked about thinning the bulwarks.  The first two photos show the 'before' version.  You can see the thickness of the bulkhead frames, combined with the outer planking, gives me an overall thickness of 1/4" +. 


    This needed to be brought down to an overall thickness of 5/32" at the caprail and 7/32" at deck level which is seen in the next two photos:


    The transom had been previously done.
    It was then time to add the cap rail to the transom.  Although it may have been possible to do this with one continuous piece (I tried but couldn't), the kit provides two laser cut pieces to handle the curves and a third section is added to the center.  This worked quite well although I need to work on the seams a bit.  They are actually perfectly smooth to the touch, but not to the eye.  Here it is depicted from a few different angles:


    Finally, the quarter galleries are making progress.  The first layers have been added.  There is an overlaying layer and additional vertical area to be added.  But I'm pleased so far with the arrangement:

    The interior areas of the QG were stained before it was closed up.  Not much will be visible once completed but this was a good time to get it done.
    That's it for the time being.  Everyone grab your favorite beverage and sing out a toast to the long-awaited Spring, 2014!
  9. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Just a small update.
    The upper counter has been planked and the transom painted black.  Scribed moldings were made and added to the transom.

    In addition, the bases for the QG were mounted, painted and moldings added:


    I've worked on the white metal castings that go below the stern galleries getting them to sit properly.  I'll cover this when I get to mounting them.
    Now it's time to thin the bulwarks from the inside.  Quite a bit needs to be removed and, since I don't relish this task, I'll be taking my time over the next few days. 
  10. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Time for a short update.
    The stern post and previously scribed hull moldings were added:

    Work on the transom has begun:

    Here you can see that a double layer of 1/8 x 1/16 " planks had been laid on the transom wings.  The entire transom was then thinned (on the inside) to an overall thickness of 3/16".  This was a bit tricky but (once again) the pencil sander did most of the work:

    We'll now begin to add the quarter galleries.
  11. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    The finishing of the lower hull has been completed.  In addition, all of the touching up on the painted areas has been done.
    I decided to retain the natural finish of the lower hull.  As I wanted it lighter to contrast the above wale hull, I gave it a coat of Minwax Pre-Stain (I always use this on basswood), one coat of plain 'natural' stain. 2 coats of poly and one coat of dull acrylic.  It actually looks almost untreated but that's what I wanted.  In the photos it's the final one that shows the finished effect.



    Thanks to everyone for offering your suggestions on the color.  I'll save the 'white stuff' idea for another model.  The Admiral is steaming but nothing that dinner and a show won't solve.  She has also decided that I'm planning on displaying her 'in the wrong direction ......  again !!  But that's normal.  No sense having those exposed framing beams on 'the wall side'.
    Need to add those moldings we made weeks ago and then onto the stern galleries
  12. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, we've been back on course now for several days.  The result is that at the 400 hour point (and 6 months on the calendar), we've completed the hull planking.  I'm not completely thrilled with it and a few planking 'rules' were shelved here and there.  But all in all I'm satisfied.




    At this point it's been sanded but no finish applied.  Need to make a decision there so we'll move over to the testing bench.  In 1780, copper plates were not routinely used.  'White stuff' would have been SOP so I'll take a look at that.  Rusty used holly on his lower hull and it gave the light effect nicely.  But having gone with kit-supplied basswood I can look at using a natural stain finish.  Or I may decide to stain to match the upper hull (Admiral's preference).  A lot of touching up to do first on the britework (battle damage).
    I'll figure this all out and the next time she's here we should be ready for a step back and relax moment.
    Oh, in Ben's Confed log it took him 6 months to reach this point.  Chuck must have built this into the kit (just like he figures everything else out). 
  13. Like
    Adrieke reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Other pics at daylight:


  14. Like
    Adrieke reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Hello dear friends,

    thank you very much for you kind words, comments and support, that is a great honor and pleasure for me.

    It is also a challenge for me to keep up my work to be worthy of your praise. I believe that it is always possible to make things better. For example I have improved some details on the figures (I adapted the feet or changed the shape of officer´s hat .....).
    The crew is hand made from clay/sculpey by my own, all figures are made exactly and in a scale, how I need.
    Wow,  only 300 men? Oh, I understand - the others will be hidden inside of the ship, right?
    During the weekend I finished another seaman and also tackles at one of the cannons. I tried to capture the moment, when both seamen are waiting to the lieutenant command to manipulate the cannon.
    Here are some pics so please enjoy them.


    Kind regards
  15. Like
    Adrieke reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    On the board:

  16. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Don Jane in Gorch Fock by Don Jane - FINISHED - OcCre - Scale 1:95   
    I've made a bit more progress - I have a lot of the trim painted and now I have to do all the touchups !
  17. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Don Jane in Gorch Fock by Don Jane - FINISHED - OcCre - Scale 1:95   
    Well I am making some progress, but i just havn't been posting very much. I now have the hull completed and painted and some of the trim put on - strakes etc. it is now very slow going as there is a lot of trim painting to be done so I am spending a lot of time "Watching Paint Dry " very boring !!! I am very happy with my build and the quality of OcRee kit. Veru detailed instructions !!

  18. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from tasmanian in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thank you all for the comments
    after a second session of filling and sanding this is how she looked :

    then I spray painted a few layers :

    this is now showing up a fair bit of errors so after the paint is completely dry I will start on fixing those up
    I see a fair bit of work ahead of me before I am done with the hull
  19. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Script in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thank you for the comments
    sorry I haven't been posting for awhile but I have taking a bit of a break from the online world
    I have been slowly but steadily working on this build though
    second planking is finished
    I have applied a first layer of filler, mainly to seal most of the gaps between the planks and have sanded most of it smooth
    after that I have added the last keel part and used some more filler to seal the gaps between that part and the hull

    I will now finish the sanding and then check for bumps and such and apply more filler
    this will then finally allow me to start the painting of the hull
  20. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Kevin in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    its been awhile but I am finally have got an update
    second planking is almost done , just a few more planks near the keel
    during the sanding of the first layer I didn't notice that I sanded down the keel to a point at the front and back
    I decided to cut off these parts and replace with 2 new bits
    here they are glued on and some filler applied to cover up the gaps :

    I have also soaked the stern part and bended into the right shape using the form the keel came from

    I intend to start the tedious work of sanding and filling the second layer next weekend
  21. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks dragzz
    thanks Robbyn, unfortunately I wont be able to keep my time line either
    progress so far . the planks have been lightly sanded

  22. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Augie and bug
    second layer is progressing well

    I have used some P180 sandpaper on the first few planks and I am amazed how smooth it feels quickly and so far I can see that only a minimal amount of filler will be needed to have a good surface for painting
    tomorrow is the first work day this year an dhow I am looking forward to it .... not
    the next 2 weeks I will slowly work on the planking . then I will have 2 weeks of real holidays in which I am hoping I will have plenty of time to start on painting the hull which I think after the planking will be the most difficult to get right
  23. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Sjors update follows as requested
    thank you Don
    thanks Bug . you don't have to wait long its already underway
    thanks dragzz
    after lots of sanding on the first layer to get most of the unevenness out I added some filler

    after a bit more sanding I felt I had a smooth enough base for the second layer
    I also made sure the bow and stern edge was the required width of 4 mm , this to ensure that the back and front bit of the keel will fit nicely
    I have started the second layer and added the first few planks
    I decided to use some cheap masking tape (useless for fine paint jobs) to hold the planks in place till they dry as I did not want to experiment with CA
    so far this is going well

  24. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thank you all for the comments
    after a second session of filling and sanding this is how she looked :

    then I spray painted a few layers :

    this is now showing up a fair bit of errors so after the paint is completely dry I will start on fixing those up
    I see a fair bit of work ahead of me before I am done with the hull
  25. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    just caught up with your build Popeye , she is looking great
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