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About Jagpilot

  • Birthday 12/27/1971

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    New jersey

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  1. I have now got the gun deck glued in place. Also drilled a lot of holes for the treenails. I used birch wood tooth picks instead of bamboo. The birch wood has a much tighter grain. I also made a photo copy of the laser cut gun deck. So I have the treenail pattern.
  2. Long over due update. Lots of outdoor yard work to do. So haven’t had much time to work in the shipyard. Sorry, I crammed a lot of stuff in one post. I got all of the bulkheads glued and I faired the tops of the bulkheads for the gun deck. I used a flexible ruler with sticky back sand paper to get the job done. The kit comes with the choice of using the laser cut deck or planking the laser cut deck with 1x5 mm planks. I chose to plank my deck as I think it will offer a better look. I used basswood planking that I milled myself on my mini table saw. I’ve then cut the planks to length and sanded the ends with my Ultimation sander and cutter. For imitating caulking I used a colored pencil for the end grain on the planks because the ink will suck into the pours and make the ends not as sharp. And a non-bleeding ink archival pen for the long grain. Once the planks were laid and sanded smooth and level I applied linseed oil. Once I have a few coats of linseed oil on, I will treenail it with birch wood toothpicks. I don’t like bamboo toothpicks because the grain is porous . I made a photocopy of the laser cut deck before I applied the planking so I have a reference for the tree nail pattern. I really like how the deck came out with all the variation and color and tones of the basswood. I was thinking of using Maple on the main upper deck. But I am thinking I will not have as much variation and wood tones as the basswood. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. Sorry for any typos as I am doing this post on an IPhone at 11:30 at night
  3. Hello Model Ship World, I am starting a new build log of the HMS Ontario in 1/48 scale by Maris Stella. I have been trying to get this kit for a while and always missed someone’s auction or it would run out of stock. So as luck would have it I won the kit in a raffle held by Olha Batchvarov’s you tube channel. The kit came with all the upgraded blocks and cannons. And all the 3d printed parts. So far I got the slipway built and the keel. Thanks for looking. Hopefully I started the build log correctly. Thanks for looking! Chris
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