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Everything posted by sparrow

  1. Thank you, I am pretty sure that you would master work with Sculpey very soon and would be able to produce even better results. Best regards, Jan
  2. Hi, after a month here comes some upgrade on the work on my RC. Mostly I have been working on the stern gallery. I have made substantial changes to it, all of the decorations were remade from Sculpey. The work is still not finished but it is slowly coming to an end. Last picture shows what the stern gallery looked like on the previous version so that you can compare the difference. Have a look and let me know what you think.
  3. Really lovely work on the boat, Vlada! Congratulations! I may get a lot of inspiration when I get to it. Anyway it is going to be in quite far future looking at my time allocation to ship modeling. Best regards and I am sure you will keep up the highest standards on your wonderful model so we can be looking forward for next updates! Jan
  4. Wow, great work, marsalv. As always!:-) Looks amazing. I should not compare that to the belfry I constructed... :mellow:
  5. Excellent work both on the hand pumps and belaying pins! I am speechless!
  6. Hi Shaun, I am sorry I haven't been watching your build as much as I wanted but I wanted to say that you are doing a good job on her! Keep it up! Best regards, Jan
  7. Awesome work, Marsalv! Excellent craftmanship! I would just like to know how you made the "treenails" for the gun carriages. Sorry, I did not get it from the pictures...
  8. Hi Jan, I am using the Firm Grey Sculpey. To guild the baked pieces I am using a regular gold color from Revell and then to get kind of patina effect I paint it with diluted black acrylic color. Thanks also for your nice compliment, I appreciate it! Well, I am hoping that one day in late future I could get my ornaments to look a little more similar to the ones from Doris. Best regards, Jan
  9. Hi, after some time there is a little progress on the build. Still working on the decorations mostly from Sculpey. Cheers! Jan
  10. Very nice job, marsalv! These are really very useful machines and accessories you have and you are able to utilize them at the best level! Keep up the great work!
  11. Hi Blue Ensign, I am happy you enjoy my build.:-) Thanks for your comment! Jan
  12. Hi John, you are welcome. Glad to share the pictures with you all. Cheers, Jan
  13. Hi all, so here comes some pictures depicting my attempt to create my own decorative strips to replace the ones from kit... I have used walnut strips 1,5 x 4 mm which were then profiled using the technique shown on the pictures. To create the ornaments I prepared a push mold from Sculpey that was baked to get hard and then I used it to push the actual shapes on the strips that was first filled with Sculpey. This whole assembly was baked, painted black and finally the ornaments gilded using toothpick. Cheers!
  14. Hi Janos, I am glad that you like it. I of course remember your build log from previous version of MSW and it is a very impressive build! And your carving skills are just amazing! I don't have much experience with wood carving so I have rather ended up with Sculpey. I may do some easier carvings but those presented on RC are too complex for me to handle using wood. I am going to try to make the figure head also from Sculpey so I wonder how it will go... But still I have so much to do before that. Regards and all the best to your work on RC! Jan
  15. Excellent work on your Royal Caroline on all parts of the model! Your build log is also very inspirative to my own build of RC. Congratulation and I am looking forward to seeing your progress!
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