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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Looks well packed. Have safe trip and I hope all goes well at that show. From where I sit, that one should be a winner.
  2. I'm mostly back finally. Went through some therapy and also was one of many subjects by the local hospital doing some research on stroke recovery. Currently, I've re-learned to use the laser and had to re-cut several times a "few" <cough, cough> parts. I'll do an update when the fairing is complete. I'm also re-thinking my Belle Poule build. 1:64 just doesn't look "big" enough for these old eyes and hands.
  3. Given your research, I believe you're right about the time frame. Also, I doubt they would have welded 2 dissimilar metals as that's just asking for trouble if it can even be done.
  4. Your supply boat is looking great Keith. I'm playing catch-up so trying to type fast and get caught up.
  5. I'm glad you got the bonnet to fit properly when closed. Looks like a perfect fix..
  6. Interesting looking model. I'm following. BTW, could the rear well covers be removed?
  7. Hal hasn't been on since 2017.
  8. Welcome to MSW, Fiurar. I would hope you'll do a log here at MSW. It's the best way to meet other modelers and also get help and ideas when you need them.
  9. I love the way you did that. Looks fantastic.
  10. Food for thought on the hood closing. You're right about destroying things to remove the engine. How thick is hood? Maybe sanding the inside over the intakes? Worse case... file/sand down the injector intakes and paint with chrome paint. Just some thoughts.
  11. I think the answer is: "depends". Paints at that time were mixed by various folks and not pre-mixed like today so color would vary. Aging of the paint after painting would also mean that it's varied dependent upon when was the last time it was painted. I think the answer is basically... use what looks good to your eye.
  12. I've tried nail clippers, razor blades, all the usual stuff. I finally bought a small "sewing scissor" from a fabric store. Works a charm. And I do NOT use it for anything else.
  13. Since I doubt you can remove the motor and lower it, I think your solution is a good one.
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