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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Condolences on the errors and rework, Alan. The good news is that you were able to learn ;from the mistake and correct it. I believe making mistakes is something we all go through and learn from.
  2. This is a tricky question in many ways. I fondly remember the old racer's adage: "Speed costs money. How fast do you real want to go?". Applies to lasers also. There's production cutting and hobby product. Different bed sizes, different power specs for the the laser. Answers depend on type of wood and thickness. As to cutting files.... I use plans and it's fairly painless to copy them to digital, clean up,and then use them on the cutter. There's not much work on getting plans for cutting on a laser compared to the 3D plans needed for a 3D printer.
  3. Glad to hear that it's full steam ahead on the house repairs, Alan. The Yak looks great as does the dragon.
  4. Hmm....deep questions about "why".... In my case, I build model cars and airplanes as kid. It was thing in the neighborhood and there was store that sold kits and had a model contest once year. I stopped while in high school due other interests and then life got in way... military, college, marriage, etc. After a divorce and move across country 20 some years ago, my new lady and I went to a hobby shop for some supplies for her. I ended up having a Vasa model to build. To use a well worn phrase.... "and so it begins..". A very rewarding hobby, filled with meeting friends, getting to work with wood, and making a lot sawdust on the floor. Maybe the wood part I get from my maternal grandfather who made Bavarian wooden coco clocks and then my dad started working making wooden things when he retired.
  5. At the top of the home page is a link for "MORE". Down a bit on the menu is "Planking Tutorials" and has methods for planking including spiling. Here's a link to that section for planking: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/98-planking-downloads-and-tutorials-and-videos/
  6. Hmm.... I'm not sure what's going on. I spoke with the admins and there's been no changes to the site programs that could be causing this.
  7. I have to agree with both the above comments. At least try both out and see which you are more comfortable with. One can find dividers at a very reasonable cost to experiment with. If you find you don't like the results, they can be sold. I have a bow compass that can be used similarly to dividers but seldom use it.
  8. Seems in the military, when Murphy runs amok, it's usually a massive "all hands" type of problem.
  9. I went a slightly different route for a sander. I picked up combination belt/disk sander from the local hardware store. I find I don't use it all that much. However, for some things it's the perfect tool for me.
  10. I think it looks great as is, Keith. I forget who said it but "every artist needs two things... a critic and a gun". When the critic says it's done, he shoots the artist. It still seems a bit harsh to me bu;t I understand that art is never really finished. So cut yourself some slack.
  11. I think you need to change your tooth count for the thinner woods. I;m posting al link for the Byrne's saw and it has a section for tooth counts. I've found that these are applicable to a scroll saw.
  12. For those running into paywall stop after using a given site for a time, try going into your browser cache and removing ALL of the cookies for that site. Also note that some sites leave 2 or 3 caches to go through the list carefully to get all the ones to remove. It is a toss up and sometimes it doesn't work, other times cleaning up does work.
  13. I'd say by all means open a log in the scratch area when you're ready.
  14. I tend to stick with Tamiya Fine Primer. Come in some colors like white, gray, and black.
  15. I find car wax works well. Some also seem to use Pledge. I guess I'm just stuck in my ways.
  16. While you're at Home Depot, check out the shop vac area. I have seen and own some adaptor fittings to fit various hose and tool sizes. Been so long though I don't really remember where I bought them. Might have Lows or Home Depot.
  17. Glad to hear this news, Alan. Ken is right about the healing process and survivor's guilt. It will get better.
  18. Glad to hear from you Alan. Take the time you need to sort things out. There is no rush or pressure from our end. Crap happens and all we can do is roll with the punches and recover.
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