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Everything posted by RadMan

  1. 02 JANUARY 2013 My wife bought me the model in early December. Since I hadn't done any modeling in years, I first needed to gather the necessary equipment. Given that I now live in Bulgaria this is a much bigger challenge than I originally envisioned, in any case my setup is in the photo below:
  2. Well, here we go again. I am rebuilding my log from the google cache. 02 JANUARY 2013 Hi, welcome to my build log. I haven't built a model in over 30 years, so I have no idea how this is going to turn out...but I am going to give it a good try. I plan on building the model exactly (or nearly so) to the Revell instructions. I will try to show details of my successes and failures. I welcome your comments... I have been working for a week or so, but just now started the log... so the first page or so I dumped a lot of photos. A little about me: I'm a former U.S. Navy submariner (sturgeon class) and mechanical engineer. I have been working in commerical nuclear power for my entire professional life. I have been working and living in Bulgaria for five years now...but my home is in Arizona!! Finally, Kudo's to build logs from AndyMech, lambsbk, LMDave and "popeye the sailor" just to name a few.
  3. Everything looks great. I am just starting to paint my gun deck and will use your log and AndyMech's as a guide. I think the detail in your Capt's cabin is awesome!! How many hours did you spend on the gun deck painting?? (don't answer...i am afraid to hear it). OH!!!!!!!! and thanks for the cannon's! I received them on Monday. I don't know if they are from your 1970's kit or the new one, but they are structurally much better than my existing ones. The match pins actually aligned the cannons, and the mold lines were very subtle.
  4. Andy... thanks for rebuilding your log. I've used it quite a bit, and without it, my build would be a lot more difficult. I only discovered today that all the previous data has been lost. I haven't been able to log in for a while, but figured that was because the site was still being optimized.... MAJOR BUMMER for me to restart my own build log though mine is only 10% the size of yours. Interestingly, about 3 weeks ago (just prior to the new site), I printed your entire build log via pdf (mine too). Then after the new site came up and everything was still ok, I deleted the pdf's.... S**T!
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