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About Kevin

  • Birthday 08/31/1958

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    Somerset England

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  1. Greetings 

                 So I can understand clearly, ( as I am a bit thickish) can you tell me we’re you are ( not somerset !!! ) in the rigging manual (page number) and which plan sheet you are using now regarding the leech lines.  Regards


    1. Kevin


      Good morning, lol I'm in Somerset 


      I'm doing the fore mast lower yard with the 3 smaller blocks either side, the lines come from the tie off points through the mast top aft, then through the forward blocks and to the blocks on the yard its self, they don't go any further unless sails are attached, they just look like a knot has been tied on the line to prevent it being pulled back through  hope you and family are OK?


    2. Shipyard sid

      Shipyard sid

      Hello Kevin

                  Seems something went wrong with my posts. Was not not sure what you meant by  a knot stopping the rope pulling back through the block.

      I  am with you now,  leech lines running under the top and through the double blocks to belay on rail  b29 or b30.    Keeping my eye on you in case you revert back to plastic !!!!!.  LOL.  Onward to the coils !!!!  Just keep enjoying it. Best regards  DAVID





    3. Kevin


      Lol I wondered why you were posting on my status

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