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About Asgard

  • Birthday 10/14/1985

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  1. Hi, Show, I'm newbie and working on my first model, but I did my research about "best kit", even wrote a topic about it and have to say that there is no such thing like "best" If y'are gunning for HMS Victory I'll recommend you Caldercraft version, but you know - the best model is the finished model A friend of mine bought this kit, yes it's expensive one but it's marvelous! Excellent quality and very clear/understandable instructions even for a beginner like myself. And the reason that I vouch for Caldercraft version is because of instructions. If y wondering about the kit I'll advise y to check "build logs" - as many as you can. I'm positive that you will find all answer in logs (works for me) So, if y still choosing y can take a look on Panart - San Felipe. In my opinion is also a good one Happy building Cheers, Asgard
  2. Hi Dan, I'll collect some photos during the process and make a Log. Cheers, Miro
  3. Hi All, After some research I've decide to make some kind of a pool. So far my choices are: Ship Manufacture Wasa Billing Boats or Corel HMS Victory Billing Boats or Corel or Artesania Latina HMS Agamemnon Caldercraft HMS Prince Constructo Vasa Swedish Man of War Sergal/Mantua Montanes Occre Santisima Trinidad Occre San Felipe Panart (my favorite) Again, please share your knowledge/experience/anything and help me to decide. Looking forward to hear from Cheers, Miro
  4. Hi All, I'm looking for advice and I think that this is the right place So far I have some experience with building trains and plains. Currently working on my first kit - "Nuevo Galeón San Francisco II" Artesania Latina and for now everything goes well. Anyhow, I'm looking for my next model My budget is around 600-700 $. Could y recommend some kit/manufactures. Right now on the top of my list is OcCre - SANTISIMA TRINIDAD / MONTAÑÉS and Artesania Latina - HMS Victory but I'm open for any advises/ideas. Cheers, Miro
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