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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. Did some work on the front end. And installed the engine
  2. Probably not as its going to get dirtied up a bit.
  3. Added a few decals. A trial of the body. Really like the look of this car
  4. Added the missing details to the fire supperion system. And various other missing details.
  5. Added the crossover pipes for the calipers. And added the bleed nipples. And done some to the suspension. Just need to talk to the blokes at work for the routing of the brake pipes.
  6. Added some of the missing pipework did the first bit of masking Needs a bit of touching up but I'm happy with it, masking round those air ducts was quite tricky started weathering the underneath and started on the brakes and a trial fit of the rear end.
  7. Sorry for the late reply Canute, wasn’t sure what you meant, if you scroll past those pics the tutorials are after them
  8. My pleasure mate if I can help with any aspect of modeling I'm happy to.
  9. I know it's got a cross in it but if you click on the link it works
  10. I posted a tutorial on one of the forums I'm on, on how I do it, I would post here but I don't know where to post it. I could post a link to it if you like.
  11. Hi all well I'm back from Scotland so did some work on this today, this is as much detail as the kit supplies I've done a trial fit in the body to see how it looks, I've got more pipework and wiring to add yet.
  12. Hi all turbo and some ancillary parts started.
  13. Did some work on the fuel pump, Tamiya would have you use plastic tube for the fuel lines whereas they are metal on the real thing. Since I've used artistic licence already and depicted gold plated nuts and bolts I decided to depict gold plated fuel lines too.
  14. OK so I've added the advance retard pipe to the distributor (assuming you can even see it) Body painted. And more work on the engine
  15. Hi all added battery cables and starter motor cables. I've got to say I'm super happy with the metal effects on this. The casings would be made of magnesium and I've worked up close and personal on hundreds of these and I don't think I could get more realistic results, I tried a different approach, normally I use ABT engine grease thinned down to a wash but I didn't want to disturb the mig steel colour I had used which I know white spirit based wash would so I tried a wash of vallejo engine grey over it. I'm loving the result, I can see me using this again.
  16. OK so as you can see I'm not building this as a showroom car but rather as one that has just finished a race.
  17. The fuel cell is fiber glass and has to be certified each year.
  18. Hi all well I've made a start. For a Tamiya kit there are some horrid seams on the front end. I've not glued anything in the front yet, this is just for a look see I've masked the inside of the tank and tried to show some fuel in there.
  19. OK so more work on the carbs (I know they look a bit granular atm I will work on improving that.
  20. Thanks Rob I take it the stays are the triangular sails on the standing rigging.
  21. Hi all just won this on ebay(won't be starting it for a while as this covid is doing a real job on me atm)
  22. OK so I've done work on the ships boats. And she has her name on the stern too. Added the top rail.
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