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Mike 41

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Everything posted by Mike 41

  1. This shows the yard assembled and hanging on the mast by the sling.
  2. The hammock cranes and shrouds were added next. The cranes are made from two pieces of rosewood glued perpendicular to each other for strength and attached to the rail with a brass pin.
  3. The topmast has been relocated forward of the lower mast and it does look a little better. It would have been easier if the shrouds wee not in place. LOL Mike
  4. Hi Lextin, Thanks you are right the topmast does connect in front of the lower mast. I apparently put the bibs on backwards. LOL It will not be difficult fix. Mike
  5. The mast was made from a maple dowel. These photos show the mast in place on the model.
  6. The mast top is made from European Beachwood. These photos show the top assembly.
  7. Thanks Ben, I intend to make all the blocks out of bloodwood also. Mike
  8. Hi Daniel, It is 27 feet from the waterline to the spar deck. I don’t know why they did not have a side entre at the main deck but the drawing by Howard Chapelle did not show one. The drawing was started in June and I started the keel and frames as soon as they were done. It has taken six months to reach this stage of the build. I intend to build a case and small table to display her on and will post photos of that here. There is a web you may be interested in located in Barcelona http://www.aammb.cat/ it has some interesting books on Spanish ships. Mike
  9. Thanks Joe, I am glad you like the build. I am working on the mast and top now and should have more photos next week. Mike
  10. Hi Michael, I would have liked to build the Pennsylvania at the same scale as the Bomb vessel but I am starting to run out of display space. Mike
  11. Hi Grant, The method I use to make deadeyes is very simple. I cut a turning square 1/16” larger than the diameter of the deadeye and turn a dowel to the desired diameter. Insert the dowel into the lathe leaving about 1” projection from the face of the chuck. Mark the dowel into segments 1.25 times the finished thickness of the round. Use a small veining chisel to cut the groove for the strop ring in the center of the round. Finish the outside face with a small file and sandpaper. Use a razor saw to separate the round from the dowel. Finish the face of the next round and repeat steps 4 and 6 until the required number is reached plus a few extra for the floor gremlins. I use a rotary vise in a compound table on Proxxon drill press to drill the three holes. Use a small file and sandpaper the finish the back of the deadeye. Most of the woods I use for deadeyes do not require any finish. Mike
  12. This is the model in the stand and a couple of shots with the Bomb Vessel for size comparison. The Pennsylvania is 1: 64 and the Bomb Vessel is 1:24 scale.
  13. The channels are European Beachwood and the deadeyes are made from blood wood, this set of photos shows how I made them.
  14. Hi Joe, The model will be a little over three feet high. I am just showing the lower mast to the top with the main yard and a short stub mast going up about four inches. Mike
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