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Mike 41

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Everything posted by Mike 41

  1. This set of photos shows the main gun deck planking and three 32 pound guns in place.
  2. The main gun deck framing is a little different with the addition of a pair of spur beams. There are three 32 pound guns shown on this deck whit an access ladder and grated hatch I used steel shot in the garland around the hatch for cannon balls.
  3. With the addition of four 32 pound guns the lower gun deck is complete. The guns are ebony with rosewood carriages. The first photo shows how I determined the length of the breeching rope.
  4. I added closed lids to the lower gunports on the port side. They are made from Beachwood with Ebony hinges.
  5. I used European Beachwood for the exterior planking and Rosewood for the wales and a lot of rubber bands for clamps while the glue dried.
  6. You are off to a good start on the Utrecht. On a lot of POF models sections of the internal and external planking are left off to show the internal framing. This will be an interesting build to follow. Mike
  7. Good morning Daniel, Any questions or comments are always welcome. For the simulated treenails I use a 90 degree pick to pierce the plank and a brown pencil to color the hole. I normally do not use guide lines to give the deck a natural look. I am using Watco Danish Oil Natural for the finish. Mike
  8. Nice clean work Ben, very impressive for your first scratch build. Mike
  9. Thanks Ben, I have a few more pictures to post before the log is up to date. Thanks for stopping by. Mike
  10. The orlop deck planking is European beech wood and is shown on the starboard side the port side will be left open to show the framing on all the decks.
  11. This set of photos shows the orlop deck framing and close up shots of the wellroom and shot lockers.
  12. Hi Paddy, You are doing excellent work very impressive. Mike
  13. Hi Daniel, The starboard side of the model will show the decks with the guns and ironwork and the port side will just show the framing. It is an easy way to cut the work in half. LOL Thanks for stopping by. Mike
  14. Thanks Joe & Grant, I will post some photos of the orlop deck later today. Mike
  15. These photos show the well room and shot lockers installed in the model.
  16. The pumps consist of two chain pumps and two common hand pumps before they were installed I installed the beams and framing for the orlop deck.
  17. Hi Augie, Thanks, this is the biggest cross section I have attempted and hope it doesn’t turn out too bad. There are some outstanding builders on this site. Mike
  18. The next few photos show the installation of the wellroom. The pumps set on the lower gun deck and the wellroom passes through the orlop deck. An access door was added at the orlop deck.
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