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Mike 41

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Everything posted by Mike 41

  1. Hi Chuck, Good luck with the Philadelphia 2 practice makes perfect. I am currently working on an old English boat. Mike
  2. Thanks Andrew, I agree Porta was a very talented artist and died way too young. I hope you enjoy this build log. Mike
  3. Thanks Christian, I started the build about two months ago and am a week behind the model with the build log. Mike
  4. The next set of photos shows all the frames installed on the keel. The hull is a very solid structure.
  5. The next set of photos shows the remaining frames to be installed and the installation of the first 16 frames. I used some 1/16” dowel rods to attach the frames to the keel.
  6. You may have noticed the last few frames at the stern did not exactly line up with the bearding line so I made a template to trim them with. It still looks like I have a little more trimming to do once they are glued in place.
  7. The Frames cont. This is the last photos of the frames being checked surprisingly enough the hull is the right length. The last frame took a little extra persistence.
  8. Hi Michael, The Fubbs is a nice size model and has a lot interesting detail. You are welcome to watch me fumble my way through the build and decide if you want to give her a try. Mike
  9. Hi Grant, I know what you mean by “one-day” stash I have had the practicum for six years and am just now getting started. I hope she turns out as nice as Brian’s. Mike
  10. Hi Brian, I will add the masts and standing rigging per Portia’s plans also. Thanks for the link to Gene’s practicum. Mike
  11. The Frames cont. This is a few more photos of the frames and pictures of frame 16 being checked for accuracy.
  12. The Frames cont. I glued the first two frames at the bow together to make it easier to shape the bevels. It still took a lot of sanding to make them look right.
  13. Hi Christian, Thanks, if you go to the Model Ship Builder website forum the practicum is under the Older & Inactive Projects section as a free download. Mike
  14. Hi Guy, Completion looks a long way off thanks for stopping by. Mike
  15. Hi Brian, I am using two practicums for references Romero and Bodnar. The practicum by Gene Bodnar uses a simple straight forward approach to the framing that I liked so I started with his style. I plan on using Romero’s book for the carving and fine detail work. You did an excellent job on your Fubbs. Did you use Portia Takakjian’s method for the hull construction? I am using a gantry type building board. Mike
  16. The Frames: The frame drawing just shows one half of each frame. I scanned the drawing and traced the frames in AutoCAD mirrored the images and printed two copies of the fore frame and one of the aft. One copy of the fore frame is used for the master assembly sheet and the other for patterns. By gluing the frames back to back beveling the frames is very straightforward. By clamping each frame to the two adjacent frames and sanding the edges flush makes assemble and final sanding very easy. The foothook style of frames consist of six pieces and are double frames with a small section of the aft frame removed. I had considered doweling the two sides of the frames together but sense all the frames are glued together it didn’t seem necessary. This set of photos shows the frames being assembled.
  17. Hi Klaus, Thanks the deadwood is European Beachwood it looks like oak but has a much finer grain. Mike
  18. The Keel Assemble: This set of photos show the keel being assembled. I used Gene’s method to produce the rabbet as described in Part 2 of his practicum. The deadwood is a little different do to the single foothook frames.
  19. The Plans: This is a set of the plans by Portia Takakjian as you can see there is some additional drawing work required as described in the Gene Bodnar practicum.
  20. The model is based on the drawings by Portia Takakjian and the practicums by Gene Bodnar and William Romero I am using the single foothook method. In the single foothook method the whole frames are made up in two halves and are glued to the forward side of the floor timbers. This my first attempt at this type of construction so don’t be surprised if you see a few do overs.
  21. Thanks Chad, Jeff is still working on the drawing package for the Washington and they will be available shortly. I will let you know when he releases the drawing package it consists of ten “D” size highly detailed easy to follow drawings. Mike
  22. Hi Don, It looks like you are off to a great start. I will be following your build. Mike
  23. Thanks Mark, The log is not as interesting without the pictures. LOL Mike
  24. Hi Chuck, There is no HMS THUNDERER in this post. The photo with four ships shows from the top down US Brig Eagle (1814), USS Washington. Batteau (1812), USN Row Galley Allen (1814). The plans for these four ships were draw by Jeff Staudt. Mike
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