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Mike 41

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Everything posted by Mike 41

  1. Thanks Joe, I am currently working on the quarterdeck rail.
  2. This set of photos shows the swivel guns on the quarterdeck.
  3. This set of photos shows the gundeck rails as installed.
  4. This set of photos shows the gundeck rails being installed.
  5. This set of photos shows the items on the gun deck below the quarterdeck.
  6. I needed to build and install two 4 pounder guns before I could start the framing for the quarterdeck. This set of photos shows how I turned the guns from ebony. I like to start by drilling the hole for the trunnion It gives me a good reference point to take dimensions from.
  7. This is few photos of the gundeck lining it is made from bloodwood.
  8. Hi Chuck, I like the weathered look of the guns it gives them more character than a solid black finish. You are doing a great job on the Philadelphia. Mike
  9. Chuck, That may not be a good idea. I heard the Royal Savage had a bit of trouble in Valcour Bay. If you see tom Pringle say hi for me. Mike
  10. Hi Daniel, Thanks it is easier for me to take a lot of photos than try to describe what I have done on the model. My next project will be the HMY Fubbs 1794. I haven’t done much carving and I think she will be a real learning experience. Mike
  11. Hi Chuck, I noticed you guys are using the new aluminum cannonballs. Do they give you a greater range than the standard black iron balls? Nice job on the mast support bracket I have had trouble bending brass before and wasn’t smart enough to anneal it. LOL Mike
  12. Thanks Patrick, Joe and Daniel I will be working on the gundeck lining and the quarterdeck clamps next. Mike
  13. This set of photos shows the quarterdeck exterior and stern planking and some overall shots of the hull.
  14. This is a few photos of the exterior planking. I am using basswood which will be stained a golden oak color.
  15. The mast, yards and cross tree looks great! What color of stain did you use? Mike
  16. Thanks Daniel, I am sorry about the slow response I just got back home from vacation. One week in Stockholm and a week in Basel they are both beautiful cities. I will be posting some progress on the exterior planking in the next few days. Mike
  17. Mark Thanks by using wire hooks and rubber bands it is easy to adjust the tension on the planks as the glue dries. The framing hammer just shows how small the model actually is. Patrick I make all my own grating and ladders from boxwood using a Proxxon table saw and a jig. Mike
  18. This set of photos shows some grating and the forward bits.
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