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  1. Hi Joe, I have one of these kits that is badly framed and I'm too intimidated to get the hull planking done since I already had to rip the planks off twice. : ( I didn't start modeling to be unhappy so I'm working on paper boats and will get back to the SDS one day. A long way to go to tell I find your log to be interesting and informative. regards] Kurt
  2. Are the pages in the book die-cut or do you trace them with a blade? Kurt
  3. Alcohol makes sense. It might flash off before wrecking the underlying paper. Testing on scrap makes sense as well. I should have thought of that. Sticky Glue, Alenes is the best known, is popular in cloth and paper crafts. It's a PVA (white) glue that is thicker and sets up faster than garden variety white glues. Because it's thicker, it doesn't run and as an example on these tabs, I get about 15 seconds before it starts to grab and I can safely start on the next frame after a minute or so. Clean up is, as usual with water or cutting away while still in a gel state. Unfortunately my tab cured out about 3 weeks ago. thanks for the tips and thanks for pointing me in the right direction one topic up. Kurt
  4. I've got a glue tab (from frame to keel) going the wrong way at the keel. It should fold aft but I put it in forward and it's got the frame out of line. I'm looking for the best way to undo it and turn it around and the get frame to lie fair. It's Scotch brand Tacky Glue a white glue that tacks up in about a minute. The paper is a finished (kind of glossy) heavy paper or light card. I'm loathe to soak it or steam it for fear of getting separations in the four layer laminated keel. Any hints? thanks, KurtZ
  5. I'm still a little lost about this kit. Maybe because I don't know the term "partwork" and how you are using the word "issue." Do I understand correctly that the parts for the kit come in the mail for one section at a time? It's a fun build to watch, Kurt
  6. I'm building in wood right now, well not at this moment but that's what's on the table. Even so, after visiting the Iowa BB-61 here in Los Angeles I've got the bug to build a fast battleship in plastic. All this is to say count this as another vote for seeing modern navy in the build logs. Kurt
  7. Tom, I love your build. It's an interesting subject and has really caught my eye. I'm looking forward to watching you finish it up. Kurt
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