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Everything posted by ChrisLinden

  1. Hello, Is there a good place / shop to buy Mast Caps? Dutch style so "donkey head" shaped. Im building the Friesland, the metal parts included are faultive, and no local retailer has suitable parts. I tried making them myself but I'm not satisfied with the results. Any leads are helpful. Webshops, Ebay etc Thanks! Chris
  2. Hi Jan, This is good stuff, thanks for that picture. Im going to try and make this!
  3. The mamoli parts are very bad metal casts. I tried drilling the holes open (they were not open all the way through) and it snapped in two. Also they didn't really fit and look clunky. Because I can't find these dutch models with the rope grooves in it on any webshop so far, I might try and make them myself. Fingers crossed
  4. Ok any threads showing how to make one yourself? I have few tools so im mostly stuck with a scalpel, dremel and files
  5. I think donkey head refers to the builder ?
  6. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qOBXNUlWZJw/VPiTcGht5JI/AAAAAAAAkX8/4PICoCWeDOs/s1600/IMG_0001.jpg This is the part Im talking about
  7. What is this part called in english? I broke a few and some mamoli parts are incorrect so I want to attempt at making my own pr buying better parts. So far Ive not been able to find much Thanks!! Chris
  8. Hi Jan, Do you have a good reference? I might have to dig up my 7 Provinciën PDF somewhere to see what's in there.
  9. Hi Jan, a set of drawings would be great, are they in scale 1:75? What are the big and small rowing boat called? Im seeing different names used around the net.
  10. Thanks for the tips guys. Waiting for new wood and parts to come in then I can continue!
  11. Also maybe a good link to scratch the ship rowing boats? What were the guys at Mamoli thinking with these clunky metal cast atrocities lol !
  12. Does anyone have a good description/thread of making the wooden parts of an anchor ? Im not a fan of the prefab mamoli pieces and consider making more detailed scratch parts
  13. Hey guys Ive not had a chance to build the last half year. We moved into our new house, my 2 companies has been really busy (in a good way) and we are expecting a new baby. I do want to get on with building cause I miss doing it, but its hard to find the time really.
  14. Yah plenty of stuff to keep my busy. My band can be found here www.facebook.com/thenorthcolor Cheers!
  15. Hey guys Im currently busy with my company and band. Recording some new songs and playing live. Will be back on the build soon I hope as I also wait for some new parts to arrive for the rigging/masts. Cheers! Chris
  16. Yes that was my goal: to get a more unified look instead of the brass parts feeling tacked on. You mean the white of the underwater ship? I mixed a tiny bit of ochre into white to make it yellowed. Using a wash to stain it is nice because you will bring out the texture of the planking. But its really hard to get an even finish on such a large area, It will look blotchy quickly. A good way of making rich whites on ornaments is basing it with a light gray first. Then add layers if slightly watered down white. This will look much better than a single coat of white.
  17. Yes i find working with them very userfriendly. Sometimes i use a can of black acrylic spraypaint to "prime" metal parts. It dries in minutes after which you can easily put any color on. If you like lots of golds and yellows, a brown undercoat works best to get a clean metalic finish. I use brushes. Airbrush is a lot of hassle and usually not worth the trouble of masking everything If you want some photos/tips you can find them in my guide on the forum
  18. The paints I use are Citadel (Warhammer miniature paints) and they are water acrylic based. This makes it easy to work with as opposed to Humbrol-like paints. Contrary to popular belief, these modern acrylic paints hold perfectly fine on metal also. They have a range of "inks" or "washes/shades/glazes". The names are all esoteric/fantasy. But basically Nuln Oil = just black ink. Calthan Camouflage = Green etc...
  19. Hey J, thanks ! I have not done a tutorial on aging the wood. I simply used inks/stains to tone them. Nothing else was done afterwards. I must add that it is extremely difficult to get a consistent finish, especially on a large ship. So caution is advised if you want a cohesive look.
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