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Everything posted by Shotlocker

  1. Cathead, Sorry to hear that. I found the kit I built years ago in a close-out bin in a now-defunct hobby shop. With the kit was a catalogue that proclaimed the company as having started in 1971 and it had the Wasa cross section listed. I'm thinking that, perhaps, sometime in the past, Corel may have been taken over by another and the product cheapened in pursuit of profit? Haven't been able to find anything to corroborate that theory, tho'.
  2. I've only constructed one kit by Corel, the Wasa cross section, and was very pleased with the kit materials and, once I figured out the methodology of the well-illustrated plans, the build was a pleasure...quite happy with the result.
  3. Thanks! It very well could be that someone else had perhaps passed over that spoon. I also found many many trade beads, a mouth harp, a small copper priming powder flask, arrowheads o'plenty, un-fired percussion caps, suspender clasps, coffee pots, canteens, tin dinner ware... and the list goes on. The area was littered with artifacts, some of which I rescued from being mined into oblivion, most of the others I left in place. 'Twas a great place to be employed, surrounded by the Great Gold Rush history.
  4. Greetings, For years I was employed as the mine surveyor at a gold/silver mine in the mountains of west central Nevada, near the site of a ghost town named Aurora, where, I was told, Marc Twain had worked briefly as a mill hand. One of my duties was to locate claim posts in the area and it was on one of these little journeys that I found, lying on the surface of the bone-dry earth, in an old camp site, this spoon. The mine had been started in the late 1850's so I figured that the spoon had to have been purloined by some fellow who may have had a berth on that particular clipper which, tragically, was lost at sea in the North Atlantic along with another clipper, the Driver, in February, 1856. I feel very fortunate to have found the relic and just wanted to share the story with everyone. Fair winds, Gary
  5. I'm currently restoring one of those kits for a local museum and am using a set of plans from 1964 - the scale indicated on the plans is 1/96...hope that helps! Cheers
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