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Based on the instructions that came with my kit, I went ahead and beveled the edges of the bulkheads (a rough fairing, if you will) before they were all glued into the center keel.  In hindsight (and part of me knew it at the time), this was not the best course of action.  Now that everything is together, I'm noticing a few bulkheads where the angle of the bevel I used is a little too extreme.  If I wanted to patch these up a bit so that I could perform a better fairing, could I use wood filler on the edges of the bulkheads, waiting for it to cure before sanding it to the right angle?    

“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others” - Otto von Bismarck


Current Build:  Amati/Victory Models Lady Nelson


Since you will be fully planking those areas, I would glue wood strips to them to build them out. Then sand that back when fairing.


Chantilly, VA


Its not the size of the ship, but the bore of the cannon!


Current Build: Scratch Build Brig Eagle


Completed Build Log: USS Constitution - Mamoli

Completed Build Gallery: USS Constitution - Mamoli



If you're looking for really thin wood to build out frame edges, some cigars come in tubes with a cedar liner to keep things fresh and aromatic.  If one thickness isn't enough, just add another layer.  If you don't smoke, give the cigar to your brother-in-law.

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