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Hi all,

I am currently building Chucks' Cheerful and have a question about the rigging of this stay. The plans show it directly attached to the Bowsprit. It's well known that hemp rope was prone to stretching so it is my intention to run it through the centre sheave of a treble block (the other sheaves are for the Topsail braces) either to a tackle or thimbles and a lanyard. Also,the Bowsprit has 3 fid holes which tells me that it could/would be set at different lengths according to sailing requirements. I'm sure that the Bosun and Captain would not be happy with a Topmast stay flapping about in the breeze when the Bowsprit was "run in" so to speak. Just doesn't sound right to me.


I've never seen a rigging plan that does not show some means of tensioning stays whether it's with hearts,deadeyes,a tackle or thimbles/lanyard. I did mention this to Chuck but he just said that's how it's shown on the original model. It's possible of course that the builder of the original model got it wrong but that's just my thought on it.


Any comments will be gratefully received :)


Dave :dancetl6:

Posted (edited)

What plans are you looking at?

On my plans, included with the starter kit from Chuck,  the bowsprit is the standing end.  The running end reeves through a block at the top mast, and runs to a two block tackle, attached to an eyebolt  down on the mast or on the deck in front of the mast..  Perhaps Chuck can clarify.

I believe this image from the build log, shows it attached to an eyebolt on the deck in front of the mast.




I'm not 100% sure, because the wording on the plans says " ... an eyebolt on fore side of the mast. "

Edited by Gregory

“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”
― Jimmy Buffett

In Progress:  HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett )

On Hold:    Rattlesnake

In the Gallery: Yacht Mary,  Gretel, French Cannon


Hi Gregory,


Thank you for your reply. My Plan #2 (for the standing rigging) distinctly shows the topmast stay fitted to the Topmast as would be normal,no block nor tackle is shown. Yes,this plan shows the Topmast Backstays are attached to a tackle,perhaps you could be mixing the two up or you have a different plan to me. Plan #3 (for the running rigging) only shows 2 blocks on the Topmast ,these are for the Topsail yard lifts. The list on this plan also quotes only the rope size for the Topmast stay,no mention of blocks nor rope for a tackle for this stay. 


Kind regards,


Dave :dancetl6: 

Posted (edited)

The image I linked to above is from Chuck's prototype, and clearly shows the block on the top mast.


Where did you source your Plans?


Mine came from https://www.syrenshipmodelcompany.com/


Here is a relevant image from sheet 2 of 3..  Standing rigging.






Dave,  I just had a look at the start of Chuck's log where he posted some plans, which show the stay as you describe.

It would appear there was at least one revision to those plans as provided in the full scale plans available for purchase.



Edited by Gregory

“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”
― Jimmy Buffett

In Progress:  HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett )

On Hold:    Rattlesnake

In the Gallery: Yacht Mary,  Gretel, French Cannon

Posted (edited)

Hi Gregory,


Thank you for posting that drawing. My plans were bought from Chuck back in 2015 and do not have the amendment you show which is of course a revision. I could not understand why no means of applying tension to the Topmast stay was shown on my plans. My problem is solved.


Once again thank you.


Kind regards,


Dave :dancetl6:

Edited by davyboy

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