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Hi guys im building the occre diana. The ship has a brass back all is good except for the top where the background is black but the floral look stands out in brass .how do i paint the background and what sort of paint .thanks if can help.


have a look here Snow. The nicest is an airbrush, but if you do not have one, an artist brush, or a rattle can will do too.


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Not quite sure what part you are referring to, but I assume it is a piece with a sculpted or moulded surface ? There would be two options, depending also on whether the part is already attached to the model or not:


- you can paint all over and then immediately wipe-off the paint from the high parts with a lint-free cloth


- if the fitting is not attached yet, you can carefully degrease it and the immerse it in a chemical blackening solution; once blackened take it out and rinse carefully; in the next step you can polish the high parts with some 0000-grade steel-wool until the brass becomes shiny again.


In all cases, the parts should be varnished, as brass will tarnish with time. There are special varnishes for brass (collodium dissolved in nitro-thinner basically).



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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