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Cross Jack brace pendants and braces

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I think Lees has erred in his formula regarding brace pendants and braces, but who am I to judge?   Again, reference is to  Litchfield, a fourth rate of 1695.  For the main yard brace, using his calculations, the pendant is 4" circumference, the brace is 2 1/4" circumference.  The foreyard brace pendant is 3 1/8" and the brace itself is 1 7/8"  (I have rounded to the nearest 1/8th.)   Now is the problem, using his calculations, the cross jack brace pendant is 5" and the brace is 2 3/4" circumference.  This makes not sense to me as the cross jack is much smaller than the lower main yard yet the brace pendants and braces are larger than both the foreyard and main yard brace pendants and braces.     Any help will be greatly appreciated as always!


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Hi Allan,I had a look at Steels tables. I appreciate he's from a later period but I would think that rigging size proportions would be similar Needless to say he doesn't cover late 17th century 56 gun 4th rates. I've copied this for a 50 gunner and a 64.


50 guns :- foreyard braces 3 1/2", pendants 4 1/2". mainyard braces 3 1/2", pendants 4 1/2". crossjack braces 2" pendants 2 1/2".

64 guns :- foreyard braces 4", pendants 5". mainyard braces 4", pendants 5". crossjack braces 2 1/2", pendants 3 1/2".


It would appear that the crossjack braces are a little more than half the size of the mainyard braces,the pendants a bit more. Perhaps you might be able to work something out from the calculations you made from Lees formula. Personally I would round-up or down to the next 1" or 1/2"size,I don't think ropes were sized within 1/8". For example 3 1/8" to 3"or 3 1/2" and 1 7/8" to 2". Anyway,I'm no expert but hope this may help. 




Dave :dancetl6:




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Thanks Dave.   This makes sense and I have strong doubts that the figures in Steel would be that far off so will go with that information.   Regarding rounding to the nearest 1/2", even if that is not the case for real world sizing, it is likely fine for 3/16" or 1/4"  scaling.   Those were my thoughts for when it comes time to make or buy rope.   


PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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