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I am building a 1 to 48 scale model of the Briganteen Leon with much of the interior visible I would like to leave off some of the hatch covers from the main hatch but I do not know where to stack the ones I remove.  If we imagine that they want to take a look see into the hold they might just remove 3 covers.  Would they stack them on top of the covers not removed or on the deck next to the hatch.  Silly question I know but i have no experience with these hatches.  Thanks


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And sometimes they set a grating upright and tied a sailor to it for strokes from the cat as below.   That would be an interesting scene to model. 




PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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This is one of the more creative suggestions that I've seen.  Unfortunately, I have already selected my 'unusual' modelling task - a Norwegian Windmill Pump (see photo).  



For several years I was afraid I wouldn't be able to model this thing on Brigantine Leon because I was pretty sure that it would only have been installed after she had been cut down to a schooner rig.  Recently, however, I have learned that Leon was never cut down to a schooner rig and therefore she had the windmill pump as a brigantine.  I'm going to model it so that it can be removed and displayed along side the ship since it is pretty dramatic!.


Thanks for an excellent competing suggestion, though.



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