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Okay - time for another update. Version 1.10 - If you select the option to modify individual images as they are resized, you will now notice that there is an option to modify the saturation, hue and luminance for each image. This allows you to make them black and white for example, by reducing the saturation to the minimum.


The functionality is described in the documentation, which can be found here:



And the app itself is on the website:



As always, this is programmed in my spare time to try and be helpful, so I do all I can to make sure it will play nicely, but you do use it at your own risk.


I've started playing with cropping, and hope that there might be the possibility of cropping images before they are resized someway down the line. I know it's possible, but I haven't managed to get it working reliably yet, hence I'm not sending it out into the wild :) Watch this space!


Take care :)



  • 1 month later...

I'm conscious that many of our wonderful family here on ModelShipWorld.com are not native English speakers.


My little offering to brighten your day is Version 1.12.0 of Picture Resizer (available at https://www.durant.biz/pictureresizer/ ) which now supports languages natively for the main application window (I'll add support for the other windows soon). All you need do is install the application and it will show the application in the language your computer uses (It currently supports French, German, Dutch and English) if it can't find your language, it will drop back to English)


Languages are not my area of expertise, so "Calling all linguists"... If you speak German, French or another language, and you're reasonably au-fait with computer, and you would like this application to support your mother-tongue / preferred language natively, please could you translate the following, and I'll add this support into the application...


The English terms at the moment are as follows, and the French, German and Dutch attempts are below (with big apologies in advance for what are a mix of guesswork and google translate... please help me make these better!)


English originals

Resize Images    
Image Quality    
Highest / Largest filesize    
Resized photos go here...    
Folder with photos to resize    
Maximum resized dimension (width or height)    
Load settings...    
Save settings...    
Modify the resized photo name?    
View each file individually before resizing...    
Resize all images in source folder    
Resize images where destination file with modified name does not exist    
Resize images where destination file with original OR modified name does not exist    
Resize images where destination file with original name does not exist    
Select Folder...    
Lowest / Smallest filesize    




Redimensionner les images
Qualité d'image
Taille de fichier la plus élevée/la plus grande
Les photos redimensionnées vont ici...
Dossier avec photos à redimensionner
Dimension redimensionnée maximale (largeur ou hauteur)
À propos
Charger les paramètres...
Enregistrer les paramètres...
Modifier le nom de la photo redimensionnée ?
Affichez chaque fichier individuellement avant de redimensionner...
Redimensionner toutes les images dans le dossier source
Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom modifié n'existe pas
Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine OU modifié n'existe pas
Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine n'existe pas
Sélectionner le dossier...
Taille de fichier la plus basse / la plus petite




Bildgröße ändern
Höchste / Größte Dateigröße
Verkleinerte Fotos kommen hier...
Ordner mit Fotos zum Ändern der Größe
Maximale Größenänderung (Breite oder Höhe)
Über Photo Resizer...
Picture Resizer beenden
Einstellungen laden...
Einstellungen speichern...
Ändern Sie den in der Größe geänderten Fotonamen?
Sehen Sie sich jede Datei einzeln an, bevor Sie die Größe ändern ...
Größe aller Bilder im Quellordner ändern
Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit geändertem Namen nicht vorhanden ist
Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen ODER geänderten Namen nicht existiert
Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen Namen nicht vorhanden ist
Ordner auswählen...
Niedrigste / Kleinste Dateigröße



And Dutch

Formaat van afbeeldingen wijzigen
Hoogste / grootste bestandsgrootte
Verkleinde foto's komen hier...
Map met foto's om het formaat te wijzigen
Maximale afmeting gewijzigd (breedte of hoogte)
Instellingen laden...
Instellingen opslaan...
De gewijzigde fotonaam wijzigen?
Bekijk elk bestand afzonderlijk voordat u het formaat wijzigt...
Wijzig het formaat van alle afbeeldingen in de bronmap
Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met gewijzigde naam niet bestaat
Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de originele OF gewijzigde naam niet bestaat
Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de oorspronkelijke naam niet bestaat
Selecteer map...
Laagste / kleinste bestandsgrootte



Thank you for all your help :) This is truly the benefit of a global community!


Hope it's of help.





Version 1.13.0 now available on https://www.durant.biz/pictureresizer now supports cropping (with the option to maintain the aspect ratio of the image) on a per image basis as you resize your photos.


Simply select "begin cropping" or click and drag to select a region of the image, then resize it until you're happy with the size. Selecting the "maintain aspect ratio" checkbox will mean that each time you resize the selection it will keep the width to height ratio the same as that of the original image (i.e. 16:9, 4:3, etc...) Then when you resize the image, it will crop the image to the rectangle.   Hope it's helpful :)



Happy resizing!






If you click the windows button, and type "add remove program" and select "Add or remove programs"


Now , you can search for the Picture Resizer application, select the three dots on the right hand side and uninstall it.


Once that is complete you can install the new version downloaded from the website.


Hope that helps.


20 minutes ago, shipman said:

This is what I use. It's a free download programme and is a doddle to use,

Hi Shipman. 


My desire in writing this software was primarily that it hard-coded the information that sets the rotation on website pages...This rotation information causes a lot of confusion to users who see a photo the right way up on their cameras but then it displays the wrong way online. It may well be that the software you have pointed to does the same, but I had struggled to find something that did that reliably for free :)


Glad you found an app that works well for you.



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