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this is my very 1st build log - in fact the model is already finished - for the 2nd I will make a 2nd build log and trying to update as the model is progressing

anyway, my very 1st model in this hobby is the La Provençale from Artesania Latina (1/20 scale)

I'm from the south of France (Provence) so La Provençale sounds particularly familiar for me 🙂


start : a big study of the manual 


planking of the hull - I choose this model because planking is different from the others - I found it was a good approach for an initiation

moreover there is no paint of the hull (only varnish) : so no additional work that I don't manage for this time


next time : I will take something more rigid than Q-tip












the hull is finished - I should have removed the inner part of the frame (burned by the laser) at the very 1st step because I didn't do and it was not so easy at this step



with varnish (I found a very good varnish) :



1st time with the small fixations for the rudder - I'm really not happy with the result because I badly started - after it was too difficult to adjust - next time I will try to start better



from there pictures are smaller on my iPhone - I didn't realize - sorry - I will do better for the next time





alignment is OK :





the mast has been sanded in order to get the right form (conic) - the top has been sanded also to respect the final shape (sorry for the quality of the pictures)











1st time for me with these so small parts (and holes !!!) but I found a technic for the wire : cyano at the extremity to make the wire straigth, cutting the wire - after it's much easier





et voilà (the support is a wooden door handle) :



I had a lot of pleasure with this model despite I can see now mistakes and bad methods - for few things I will try differently for the next time

I can't wait for the 2nd model...

Edited by axelpaq
  • 3 months later...

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