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USS Saratoga by Unit66 - Trumpeter - 1:350 - PLASTIC

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5 hours ago, SteveLarsen said:

Really enjoying the build.  Saratoga is a favorite subject.  Really nice work on the aircraft.




Thank you Steve. I'll hopefully be painting them once the final few paints arrive, for now my attention is split between this and modelling an Arado 196 and turret for my next build.


Kind Regards,


Edited by Unit66
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Progress Update:


All turrets are now complete and join the planes to await priming. Unfortunately it appears that by having 2 PE sets for the same ship has led to a mistake being made with the funnels; I had put them on the outside rather than the inside. After some careful prying and some help from a lighter I managed to detach the funnels and put them on the correct way.












Going forward I'm going to split the PE kits and use the best elements for each, as one comes with arrestor cables to place on the deck.


Kind Regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress Update:


I have bitten the bullet and primed some of the parts now, the planes have also got their silver paint scheme until the yellow paint arrives for the upper wings. I do not really fancy trying to mask the wings for that stage so I may just hand paint them, they came out a little better than I thought they would even if I dropped and then stepped on one. Thankfully it stayed in large pieces so nothing went missing. I did try out the stick wrapped in tape to mass paint them, thank you for the idea, but I have some weak tape, fortunately the crocodile clips can just about hold onto the tail wheel bump. I will try out some other tape.












I'll need to go back over the guns and life boats as I seem to have missed the parts where the clips were and thin layers in other areas.






Hopefully now that the stands have arrived I can go back to the hull and give it another sanding to clear my poor attempt at gap filling. But first the planes need their decals.


Kind Regards,






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Thats quit a dogfight of planes. They look great.

If I need more grip I put a piece of duct tape adhesive side up onto the double sided tape. It seems the tape then has enough area to hold the duct tape securely and the extra stickiness of the duct tape holds the small parts.


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