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Hi All -


I wanted to let you know that SeaWatch has teamed up with David Antscherl and Greg Herbert to continue to help you on your Swan journey and we are delighted to offer the plans for the Swan class sloop featured in David and Greg's four-part series Fully Framed Ship Model.


The plans have been drawn up expressly for model makers who wish to build a fully framed model. Drawn to the classic scale of 1:48, each set consists of two plan sheets. The first includes the sheer and profile, half-breadth and body plan. The second sheet includes all the masts, spars, etc. required for a Swan class vessel or similar ship rigged model of that period. The 35 patterns for the floors, futtocks, toptimbers, hawse timbers and transoms will be included as digital downloads for those who buy the plans. This will enable the builder to print out as many frame patterns as needed to construct each frame.


We expect to be able ship the printed plans in 3 weeks or so and you can pre-order now on our website: https://seawatchbooks.com/products/swan-plans-supplement-to-the-fully-framed-ship-model-by-david-antscherl-and-greg-herbert


Let me know if you have any questions!




are these the same as the set of plans that were available in 2014? If not, what is different.

I am considering this for my next build so am curious.


Member: The Nautical Research Guild
                Atlanta Model Shipwrights

Current build: Syren


On 8/8/2022 at 8:14 AM, rtropp said:

are these the same as the set of plans that were available in 2014? If not, what is different.

I am considering this for my next build so am curious.


They should be. However, there was an error in an older plan regarding the placement of the scuppers. They should be located in the black strake (the first strake above the wales).


Thanks for the help.


Member: The Nautical Research Guild
                Atlanta Model Shipwrights

Current build: Syren


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