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The mahogany runabout is my new item in my bucket list. I have a little interest on RC boats because I have no space to keep the devices. Therefore, I want to build a model rather than RC boat.


One of the the downsides of the official Chris-craft runabout boat series from Dumas is that their 1/24 scale products are not serious model ships. They seems to be for beginner modellers. The detail issue will be solved if I buy a 3x expensive 1/8 scale RC runabout, but I want to build a 1/16 scale boat, which is no longer than 1 and a half feet. I planned to downscale the 1/8 boats, but the price and rebuilding parts remain a huge burden to me.




(source : https://www.classicwoodenboatplans.com/shop/barrelback-custom-19 )


Instead of model boats, I focused on real boat plans. https://www.classicwoodenboatplans.com/shop The "classic wooden boat plans" company sells real mahogany runabout boat plans, and the details are just real world size.


However, can I read and understand the real boat plan? I tested one of their plan by downloading a free sample plan, which is the famous Dory Rowboat 13'.



( Source https://www.classicwoodenboatplans.com/free-sample-plan )


Their free plan appears to be a bit simpler than typical wooden model ship kits, but they also provide a 3D cad file that can be read by Solidworks.



As you see, I was able to see and measure each part of the boat. Although it isn't a perfect 3D model, which has some gaps, I decided to build the dory boat as my first scratch-build wooden model ship.


After the dory, I'll buy the Barrelback Custom 19' plan. It won't be easy to build from a real world plan, but I would say the real boat plan should be much more realistic and detailed than the Dumas kits. There are some advantages of real world plan over model ship plans. I won't reproduce the 1949 Chris-craft mahogany runabout but build a completely new boat. I'll give my boat a new name. 😎


This is testimony time. Is using real boat plans reliable and recommended way to build modern boat models? I couldn't find a proper mahogany runabout kit, so I changed to building a scrach model. I hope to hear any ideas about a building realistic runabout.


Almost all the scratch built models are made from real boat/ship plans of one degree of detail or so. This companies plans seem to be of a greater amount of detail than most any historic plans available. Have a good time building yours.


I believe that the Mariners Museum in Newport News VA owns the plans from the Chris Craft Archives.


WoodenBoat Magazine also sells planks for a “Chris Craft type” runabout.  Since you live in Korea I believe that WoodenBoat can provide Ecopies to download.


Ron is right. Use actual builders plans .




Many thanks to Ron and Roger. The Mariners museum sells all the historical Chris-craft racing runabout plans. The Wodenboat Magazine sells over 700 complete boat plans, including the above model. There are a lot of toy blocks to enjoy and research.




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