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I made some color conversion charts for Shipyard kits. Some colors were dried when I opened the kit, and some colors are not enough to paint the hull based on my previous experience. I mixed my Josonja acrylic paints to make the same color.




The 100% color matching means nearly 100%, or 99% in reality. I don't need to be picky when I paint wooden grain patterns.



By the way, some pre-printed patterns have different colors from the kit's acrylic paint. For example, the red strips above the picture are different colors.



This chart will help if you want to paint bulwark in the same red color. Also, you can find more simple sail colors, such as the Josonja Background color series - Linen. 


Nice work on the color conversion. My only concern would be with opacity/transparency of the paints.


As you discovered the Shipyard kits include a brand of paints called Renesans, a Polish brand. They can be found online, but you usually have to order from Europe, and it can be difficult to find a seller that can/will ship internationally.


The Renesans acrylics have a slightly transparent quality to them, so you can see printed or laser-etched (burned) details through the paint. I like to use these paints for the Shipyard printed paper kits for this reason. Also, I've found that with lots of grinding and stirring, that I've been able to revive most of the dried Shipyard paint jars. But, it is a lot easier to just get new Renesans paints if you can find them.


Posted (edited)

Jo Sonja is a sub brand of Chroma inc in Australia. Norwegian brand since 1974. It is one of the most famous acrylic paint brands in Korea. Almost all of Jo Sonja's acrylic paints have a soft body, so it is very easy to convert to airbrush ink. I didn't expect that the Renesans is a brand name before I posted. I've never heard of it. :D 


Most of the Jo Sonja paints are not transparent. It won't be a big issue because I'll airbrush them. I can control the amount of spray, and the result was pretty good in my previous experience.


Thanks everyone for advices on paints.

Edited by modeller_masa

I noticed that your first post shows Shipyard's HMS Wolf kit. Are you working on that one? I've been working on it too, though I took a bit of a break to finish up some other stuff. I got as far as making the masts and starting on the other spars. Would love to see what you're doing on the Wolf!

Posted (edited)

I'm rebooting the USRC after I digged into the ropewalk for a month. I finished one of the main mast now.


I'll go to the HMS Wolf ZL029 when I'm ready. Mixing paint and running ropewalk is one of my preparations. I think I'll start it after spring vacation. :D Thanks for your interest, and I'll check your build log soon.



Edited by modeller_masa

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