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Lady Nelson by Olli Sukunimisson - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64 - first build

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Olli, you have produced a very good looking model. And in such a short timespan with the limited ammount of tools. Very inspiring! I look forward to seeing what project you decide to take on next.

My vote would be with the Duifken by Kolderstok 😉.


Best regards,




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Heh, I can't wait for the Polish Post to deliver a card yacht from Seahorse. I've bought The Duyfken from Kolderstok, and I think she'll be my next project. The last build was too much like me—quick progress with less attention to detail—simply because I was too eager to see what would happen next. This time, I want to build my next ship as carefully as possible, plank by plank :) 


PS: Lady at her flying dock :)





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