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I started this build on 7/24 and finished last night 8/24 as GB on twin engines on another site.The build allowed me for the first time to use Flory wash been seeing the name out there and honestly  alot of my builds are usually pretty clean I have that fear.So,being in the PTO I figured I give it a wash these  planes got baked and faded.The paint was applied with a Badger Renegade with an UF needle I can spray at that point 1/16" lines pretty good and the gun is constantly moving.The process allows for the primer to poke through ever so slightly if to much go over it some more and I did.The planes painting took about 3hrs non stop one evening to which the wings were not attached.Oh there was pre-shading done using Testors rubber color a pretty dark brown top/bottom and the paints in this case was Model Master enamels covered by Tamy Semi-gloss lacquer.I applied the wash did your standard procedure and that was it.I then started on the LG with some AK washes first time here also went subtle it's there and attacked the tires with Florys and Mig powder with slight success the sealer kinda took  out  the powders.The instructions called for silver LG's  but I have never seen whether Navy or Marines in the PTO but with white maybe I am wrong but it does look better.;)

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18 minutes ago, king derelict said:

I need to improve my fading and tonal variation on aircraft.

As many years I have been building and painting I have only develop or found this method I do.My Renegade has a knob on the back that allows me to adjust the the drawback reducing the volume of paint.I set this up low and go in circular squiggly pattern never hanging out anywhere work with the panel when it's a dark color being applied hence easy to cover the pre-shade go opposite what I say on the bottom.I start with the panel line first but not to much then jump inside the panel its not hard.The neat part when complete take a break come back different lighting maybe look and se where you want more coverage main thing lower the flow.Thanks for the compliment Alan working a 1/72 Ki-49 ATTm braille scale.

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builds 002.JPG

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