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I'm looking for the right thinner for MM acrylic as it pertains to brush applications. The more I try to find the answer from various forums the answer becomes  more confusing. Anything from distilled water,window cleaner,Isopropyl Alcohol and a host of others all contradicting each other,warning of dire results. MM thinners is no longer available.

  • 2 weeks later...

I use AK Interactive Acrylic Thinner AK 11500 or Tamiya X-20A thinners for this. Start with just a few drops of thinner and try brushing on a test surface that is like the one you're going to do the paint work on. Add more drops to thin it to the consistency that makes you happy with the results. I have a battery operated paint stirrer I ordered from Micro Mark Tools. It does a superb job of mixing. far better than hand mixing. Just so you know, both these thinners are a mix of isopropyl and water. What ratio they won't disclose. I just buy and use.


I have never used MM acrylic, but I have used many other brands. There is no need for a special thinner, just use water. Now if you are watering it down really far so it is more of a glaze, then sometimes you need to add in some glazing medium or similar. In most cases I just put the paint on my wet pallet and then press into the pallet until the paint is wet enough for me. In general the consistency you are looking for if just doing normal layering is such that when you paint a bit on your palm you can still see the lines.


When thinning for use in an airbrush then yes I use a mix of isopropyl, water, flow aid and airbrush thinner, but that is because you are trying to avoid the paint drying in the airbrush and clogging it.


I have airbrushed with Model Masters Acrylics using a thinner mixture I found on "CYBERMODEL", Distilled water, isopropyl alcohol, flow improver and flow retarder. Used the thinner with Vallejo, AK, Model Shipways paints as well. Just water did not work very well, clogged quickly.

Tech Tip: Make Your Own Acrylic Thinner

Have only airbrushed acrylics on small items/areas using this thinner. No problems to note. Actually, did not know Model Masters had an airbrush thinner! 




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