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Tested small washers and found they are 1mm thick using my measuring new tool from CMB.


These washers are ideal for checking gun port strip 270 correctly aligned 1mm above quarterdeck between bulkhead 6 & 9.






Glenn (UK)



Wish I had known about the vernier . I would have sent you my old one as I only just bought a new one a couple of month ago. You could of just laid some 1mm strip on the deck to gauge the 1mm. DAVID

Posted (edited)

Hi David

Thanks, they don't cost a lot of money, and came with some other bits and pieces I had bought, including the Mantua 8151 plank bender.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Monday night I normally go to the gym so time in shipwrights office is limited.

I added more black paint to the dummy barrel strip / deck area as recommended by Patrick & Shipyard Sid, thanks again for the heads up.



I then started the mass production of the gun lining batten strips,I decided to make each strip 5mmL by 3mmD by 5mmW.


Took a break from the mass production and fitted the first set of gun port battens to gun port strip 272. I will not fit battens to bow end of the strips until the strip has been soaked in water, bent to shape and then allow to dry in bent position. I think this will greatly aid the installation of the gun port linings.

Finally here's an extract from the captain's log where I am keeping a record of the time spent on this build, You may think from my handwriting that I'm a doctor, well I not I just don't write very neatly these days.






Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn

You are certainly moving along at pace. You may have a problem with your balsa battens. The vertical battens look to wide and will prob foul on some of the bulkheads. You may have to narrow some off if you follow, but it's only balsa so will be easy. Check 270 in position to see. Good luck DAVID


Hi David

I'm checking the battens against bulkheads for clearance and plan to adjust size or not fit where space is tight.


At moment I have glued strips of 5mm by 1.5mm planking strips together, left over from last build, to make the 3mm deep batterns as I'm unable to get to model shop for balsa supplies at the moment as they shut long before I finish work for the day. I will try to see  if I can leave work early one day this week otherwise  it will be end of week before I can get there. I'm not going to rush this phase of the build as I can already see the knock on effects if I get it wrong.

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Ordered some balsa supplies from CMB first thing this morning so hopefully they will arrive tomorrow or Thursday. This will enable me to add additional material at the bow end for fixing the gun port strips. Also ordered some balsa strips for completing the gun port battens. Don't expect to be able to finally complete the final fixing of the gun port strips until the weekend but will continue to work carefully, taking my time to ensure I get this part of the assembly correct.

Spent a couple of hours tonight in the shipwrights workshop.

I fitted gun port strips 270 on both port and starboard sides and checked position between bulkhead 6 to 9. Also made sure the gun port openings were clear of the bulkheads. Then checked I was happy with position of gun port strips 271 and 272, their gun port openings were clear of the bulkheads so all seems OK.

I then put starboard gun port strips bow ends 271 & 272 in hot water for a long soak stood up in a flower vase.

Whilst they were soaking I faired the port and starboard bulkheads 1 to 3 and 15 to 17 using an old plank strip to check then repositioned starboard gun port strip 270.

After soaking for 75 minutes I started to bend the starboard gun port strips bow ends 271 & 272, still had to run the strips under hot water for a few minutes to complete the bend process.

Once both strips were positioned they were pinned and clamped and will be left to dry overnight so the strips should retain the bend. I hope to get the port side soaked and bent tomorrow night before or after my visit to the gym.


Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hi Glenn...Just wanted you to know that I have finally visited your log.  I think you are doing a great job and I admire your thoroughness.  What a good idea with the gun port battens.  I installed balsa supports also which greatly aided in the lining of the gun ports but it's so much smarter to do that before installing the gun port strips.  I had to use a home made tool to install the balsa supports through the gun ports after the gun port strips were already installed in the hull.  Good luck and keep the pictures coming.



Night at the gym plus still waiting for delivery from CMB for balsa wood supplies so a night off from the boat build.


I did find time to check fixings of the gun port strips now that they have dried. I noticed that if I set the strip 270 so it was perfectly aligned with the shape of the stern extension the first gun port opening of Strip 272 does not clear bulkhead 17. This is not  problem as I can trim the bulkhead so the gun port opening is clear. However I then noticed the gun port strips 271 and 272 fell a bit short of the end point of the bow supports.


I did then reposition gun port 270 so that the other two strips 271 & 272 terminated correctly at the bow and has the added bonus that the gun port was clear at bulkhead 17. The down side is I would the need to trim the stern extension pieces 105 and 106. I did cut out the walnut  inside stern fascia piece which seemed to fit very well on the stern extensions. Couldn't see any reason for the weird cut out on the end of the keel between the inside stern extension pieces.


On balance I think the best way forward is to position 270 correctly against the stern extensions and trim bulkhead 17 as necessary and then use some filler or small wood offcuts to patch up the bow end which of course will be covered by the planking and copper tiles. This is because I don't think it is a good idea to mess with the stern shaping.

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Hello Glenn

Sounds like you are enjoying things, and are moving along at some pace. Once again it's not a race . The weird cut out is there for a reason.. It's a clearance when you fit the stern facia. DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid
Posted (edited)

Spent 2 1/2 hours in the adding batten to starboard strip 270. Then made a rough gun port lining assembly which I hope will fit in the gun ports in one easy move when its time to install the actual linings. I will made a small jig to aid the assembly of the gun port lining if the test piece works out.

I did not fit battens on the sides which were close to bulkheads. Also made sure the depth was OK for when the inner bulwarks / lining strips are fitted.


The test lining is not perfectly made, I just want to test the installation method.

I will test the lining later tonight - watch this space.




Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hi Glenn..


Nice work.  You're very smart to add the "battens" as you refer to them, as you have.  This should save you a lot of agrivation later on.  As for the linings and inserting them in one piece...if you can do that, it'll be teriffic.  I'm anxious to know how that will come out.  I don't know of anyone who has built their model that way.  I wish you the best .



The test piece idea was ok but I think it there will be problems with ensuring the accuracy of each piece. As Dave pointed out I will also have to contend with the hull curvature. It was worth a try but at the moment I will put it on the back burner as I'm more inclined to fitting each lining piece direct to port.

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

OK, spent best part of 4 hours fairing the bulkheads, I think the are OK now, my only concern is bulkhead18.

I think its OK but until I start the planking I cant be sure if I need to adjust the steep angle faired.

As can be seen slight adjustment still need on bulkhead 15

That's much better

Slight adjustment need on bulkhead4


Bulkhead18, fingers crossed






Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn,


Your bulkhead fairing looks excellent.  I dare say you'll have no problem when planking.  It's obvious that you have been thorough from the start so it seems to me your build will be excellent. I'm anxious to watch your progress; if I can help in any way, please let em know.  Regards,



Thanks Jerry your comment is greatly appreciated. I'm trying be be thorough as I'm not the most experienced model boat builder and like to plan ahead before I committee given the initial problem with the bulkhead assembly.

Just taking a few minutes looking at stern assembly to see how 270, 373 and 374 line up before I finally glue 270 to hull.

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

I have a question regarding the correct positioning of gun port strip 272 in relation to gun port strip 270 and stern extension 106. I don't want to go ahead without the advice fellow Victory modellers who have completed this task.

I'm happy to align gun port strip 270 at 1mm between bulkheads 6 and 9

The manual states the gun strip 270 must be flush with edge of stern extension 106, and I have aligned the lower curve on 270 to align with the bottom of the same curve on the edge of 106, near my thumb in photos.



I think it is important that the edges of the upper and lower gun port opening line up. Is this correct?


I have to make sure there is a smooth line from the edge of 270 to 272. This seems to indicate I may need to file the shape edge of 270/106 because if I move 272 to create a smooth line I lose the gun port alignment. Is this correct?


I have not faired bulkhead 18 so the gun port strips sit square on the bulkhead edge for maximum contact. I assume I will need to do this.







Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hello glen

Everything is coming along fine, and don't worry to much about 270 and 272 they are ok were you have them now, and it's all covered up later with the quarter gallery's and the stern counter patterns well done. DAVID


Posted (edited)

Once again David has come up trumps and given me the confidence all is OK to carry on.

Starboard gun strip 270 glued in position bulkhead 18 to 10, Once dried I will glue the second half.




Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Glenn.You're making unbelievable quick progress.  With David you get the advice from one of the best.  Have fun,



Both gun port strips 270 now glued to hull assembly and just completing adding additional balsa supports at stern end to aid the planking process; here is some pictures taken during this building phase.


Front end of strip 270 glued and clamped



Full length picture of strip 270, note the additional gun port support strips in place to aid the gun port lining process later on in second picture. Also picture of strip 271 with gun port lining support strips added. Note the block of beeswax in third picture, which may be useful in a much later down the line when I start the rigging.






Finally a couple of picture of the bow showing the additional balsa planking supports, one side shaped and one side work in progress.




Glenn (UK)


Hi Glenn...

Very nice progress.  Looks like you have this process under control.  I mentioned to you before that you are very thorough and using balsa in the bow for planking support is the choice of many.  Frankly I didn't find that necessary with the proper shapiing of the bulkheads as you have done.  Your work really looks terrific...Keep enjoying  your build...Regards,



Hi Jerry

Many thanks for your comments. I must admit most of the time I do not feel in control, but as I take the time to study and test the build instructions I generally get comfortable with the tasks in hand, especially with the added support from the other boat builders like David and yourself.


I take your point and did ponder if I should add the additional balsa blocks as I have never done so before to aid planking before. However giving the length and angle of the bend thought it worth the extra 30 minutes of effort to fit.

Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn.  You have to do what you feel is best.  I just finished chatting with Lawrence on skype and one of the topics we discussed was whether or not there's an advantage to putting shaped balsa blocks in the bow.  Lawrence didn't,  and as you know,  neither did I.  But a lot of builders swear by that method.  As you say, 30 minutes won't shrink your life too much and you'll be satisfied.  Have a great day aand keep  up the great work..


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