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The family of the Montanes models increases, already there were videos:


Building Wooden Model Ship Montanes by Bill



Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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Hi Garward,


Those are really great movies and what an beautiful builds.

Both of them.

You are gonna do the same thing with your Montañes?



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Hi Garward,


Those are really great movies and what an beautiful builds.

Both of them.

You are gonna do the same thing with your Montañes?



I think that both of these models are accurately collected completely from the details enclosed in a kit, without any alterations (improvement of details - for example, replacements of plywood by a wood, cast metal details, threads on ropes, etc.) and corrections of mistakes (a gun! ! ! ) allowed OcCre. As it is possible to see from my messages on Montanes construction, I go a little some other way and I am not going to repeat the mentioned and many other errors of a kit. I gave these references to video only in respect of information.

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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I understand what you mean but what I want to say is this:

Are you also make a little movie of your own build.

When I see those builds and yours, I know that you make a lot of modifications on the kit.

And that is great but they have also make a great build.

Even it is not historically correct.


Maybe they row with the oars they have ( I hope you know that expression)

I know that I don't change the metal things in the kit.

I have not the tools or the skills to do that.

Maybe one day when I go to the dark side I learn it.

But not for this moment.

I'm still enjoy your post!

And I can learn from it.

Thanks for the detail posting my friend!



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I understand what you mean but what I want to say is this:

Are you also make a little movie of your own build.

When I see those builds and yours, I know that you make a lot of modifications on the kit.

And that is great but they have also make a great build.

Even it is not historically correct.


Maybe they row with the oars they have ( I hope you know that expression)

I know that I don't change the metal things in the kit.

I have not the tools or the skills to do that.

Maybe one day when I go to the dark side I learn it.

But not for this moment.

I'm still enjoy your post!

And I can learn from it.

Thanks for the detail posting my friend!



Thanks for the comment, Sjors. I didn't think yet of movie creation, it is necessary to complete model at first. I am afraid that in this case the short movie won't turn out. It is necessary to do any very long series, something it seems Santa Barbara :D .

Edited by Garward

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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By the way, about the Montanes models which are pleasant to me:

model of the Spanish modeller of Rafael Berenquer Moreno de Guerra (unfortunately, the link to a site from which I copied these photos, ceased to work years two)



Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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Model of the Spanish modeller of Rafael Berenquer Moreno de Guerra.


Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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Hi Garward,


You are right again.

When you gonna make a movie of your build, it takes a couple of hours watching that movie.

But i don't mind  :D

I'll be gonna sitting on the couch when Anja is at work and I enjoy…….

To bad the site is not available anymore.

I think when you can see those builds in detail, you see a lot more.

But thanks for posting.



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Hi Garward,


You are right again.

When you gonna make a movie of your build, it takes a couple of hours watching that movie.

But i don't mind  :D

I'll be gonna sitting on the couch when Anja is at work and I enjoy…….

To bad the site is not available anymore.

I think when you can see those builds in detail, you see a lot more.

But thanks for posting.



Thanks for the comment!

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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Some more photo of the Montanes model of the Spanish modeller of Rafael Berenquer Moreno de Guerra. Pay attention to excellent color scale of model.


Edited by Garward

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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One more very worthy Montanes model of the Spanish modeller of Salvador Pallarés Ruiz




Edited by Garward

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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I see clearly what you mean Garward.


It looks indeed fabulous!





Really beautiful models!

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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Surely you will be able, and very quickly if want. All of us once weren't able to do something, but learned.

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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Foremast:  mast fid is blackened, foot of a mast is ready. 


Edited by Garward

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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Edited by Garward

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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Trial installation of a foremast and bowsprit on the hull.


Edited by Garward

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)

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