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Cap'n Rat Fink

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Everything posted by Cap'n Rat Fink

  1. No worries. I do enjoy the questions. This is all fun to me. I like trying to do a good job on my modles. But i will never take it seriously. If I did then the fun is gone. I still work for a living. Don't need seriousness n stress included in my hobbies too. I do enjoy the points you bring up. It makes me look at things in a different light, that might make more sense. Please, do keep the questions coming I really enjoy it. I live in the California desert. So I'm known as a desert rat. So thinking like a sailor is out of the question for me. So these questions you bring up are great. I am planning the diorama as you say after the voyage. I will post more exserts from Bligh's Journal to show everyone the reasoning of my build log here. As to the way I did things. As for the sails I too thought of wire. But since it is after the voyage Bligh tried to land the Launch on Timor by using his sails, but not enough wind to use them. He stated this also in his Journal. So eventually gave orders for his men to row in. He tried the sails because his men were very weak. The box could of been left open do to all the excitement of finally the voyage coming to an end. Because Bligh mention how his men drew extra strength from the extra rations he gave them just before they beached on Timor. So the sails will just sit limp on the Launch. No wire nessary. But I did try using hair spray. I damped a scrap piece of sail cloth. Not too wet, and sprayed. It stiffed up really well. So keep hair spray in mind for your sails... Arthur I would be shocked if you did not bring up questions. Because I consider you to be an incredible model builder with high standards. It makes sense that you would ask these questions. You are a master at this craft. I am very humbled that a person with your talent has taken an interest in my build log ...I'm just learning.... best regards Mario
  2. Yes I do agree with you, Bligh was all buisness. But number one on the list was survival. He had to protect the main food supply. Has the BL was always taking on water from the swells and the rainy weather. Of course the tools were high on the list. That is my opinion on that. I might disply them at the boat bottom of back in the box. They must have gotten down to a small amount of bread to be able to store the tools back in the box. Like you said he had to protect the tools also, since it was admirality property. But survival was first. Here is his comments on MAy 2, 1789... "Our Bread was in Bags and getting Wet, to be starved to death was therefore inevitable if it could not be prevented. I therefore began to examine what cloaths there were in the Boat and what other things could possibly be spared, and having determined for only two suits to be kept for each person, the rest was thrown overboard, which with some Rope and Spare Sails lightened the Boat considerably and we had more Room to bail the water out. Fortunately the Carpenter had a good chest in the Boat, I therefore fixed on it to put the Bread in the first favoable moment. His Tool Chest also was cleared and the Tools stowed in the Bottom of the Boat, so that this became a second convenience." well here another small update on the Main Lug Sail making..... I am mainly refering to his Journal. Because work boats were so common that no one really ever wrote down how they were built. They were so standard that everyone build them and really had no questions as how to. I have May's book n Mckay's, but I am really disecting Bligh's Journal because, hey he was there.... Just trying to pick up on any hints from Bligh's remarks that might help me along with my interpertation on the BL. He does mention Lugs sails at the begining of the voyage. So reading up on lug sails I decided there was no bowsprit, because it would of been a bear to work those sails with a bowsprit in the way. Bligh does mention the Main n Fore lug sails by name, but never mentions a bowsprit and/or sail.... regards Mario
  3. cheers Mario sorry for the miss spelling on item #3 well here's small update on my build here cheers Mario
  4. a little more free time tonight..... well I figured the scale on the coconut incorrectly So I had to make a 2nd one. The 1st was at 5mm the 2nd was corrected to 8mm.
  5. Well since I am getting ever closer to the end. I have started to look at the bits n pieces. MS's barrels had a finish on them I did not like. Plus the pre-fab bands were rounded. The pic's showed what I did..... Plus i pre-fab'd the cleats for the sheets.... I started on the mast n spars. Which I did not question. Because MS pulled the info McKay's book....
  6. I wanted to explain a little on the decisions on why I made the changes I am in the middle of doing. First John with his expertice and being an x-mariner has helped me a great deal on how to go about researching these things. I being from the Mojave Desert. I do not have the experienced eye or the know how on understanding the naval tongue. He has helped be decifer info that is in Salior lingo. Thanks John! The MS kit has beylaying pins, a bow grate, and the main mast located a little too far aft. So here are a few pic's on my researching of the Bounty Launch. The McKay book shows a bowsprit. There is none to be had for the BL. I also have not found any evidence of chainplates n deadeyes. No evidence of a bow grate. As I said John has helped me, but these are my decisions. As for the iron bars, in modern naval times they were placed under the thwarts for safety reasons. But the 1742 comtempory longboat shows them protruding above the thwarts, hence my decision. All the NMM models of the BL show eybolts and no chainplates or deadeyes. Later in the build I will take excerts from Bligh's log to show you what also helped me make my decisions. My objective is to try to make a very informitive build log so if anyone else is interested in building the BL they can look here to help them through the stumbling blocks I have found and hopefully gotten around. talk to you soon.........I will be adding new pic's tonight on my BL....
  7. well according to May' n Mckay' books repectfully and NMM models on display most show Thwart Knees. With that little bit of research I added them to my model.... ***********MY APOLOGIES I USED "QK" INSTEAD OF "TK" LIKE I SHOULD OF*************** Mario
  8. well a little more progress tonight. here's afew pic's to show where I'm at cheers Mario Hi ALL, Well the rudder is done and installed. Installing the rudder turned out to be a little difficult. Trying to clamp it down to hold it in place to get it lined up properly to the stern post, and everything else that goes w/installing a rudder. Is there a certain way to install the rudder? Or is this a common thing that goes with installing rudders on boats or ships.....? cheers Mario [ Edited Thu Jan 05 2012, 10:01PM ]
  9. Well with the new year well on it's way, it's time to get back to my BL. In May's book n photos from the NMM. It showed iron straps over the mast partners in this era of boat. So I will be adding them. I will also be installing the rudder and fabricating the gudgeons and pintles. I will also try to improve the look of the rudder n transom... cheers Mario
  10. well these last photos will show where I am with the build just before the Holidays arrived. So I will be added new photos after these from here on since I will start getting back to modeling again since the holidays are starting to come to an end Mario
  11. Well a few more pic's to get you close to where I am with my build. With this photo below is where I stopped and decided to make changes to the BL to hopefully make it closer to Historic info n records. cheers Mario I will be using a references for the kit bash...... 1. Mckay's book THE ARMORED TRANSPORT BOUNTY 2. May's book THE BOATS OF MEN OF WAR 2. info from the NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM 4. and most importantly BLIGH'S JOURNAL 5. and my self proclaimed mentor Jim Lad The research has been confusing at times. Simply because there is just not enough info on these particular boats. I have run into Mckay showing the BL with a bowsprit. I have made the decision that the boat being only 23ft. It just was too small for a bowsprit. In Bligh's Journal he mentions reefed lugged fore sail. So I also decided that I will have lugged main n fore sails. The NMM showed a settee main sail so that is out. But towards the end of their journey. Bligh orders his men to row to shore at Timor. He tried to sail the Launch in, there was just not enough wind for the sails. I figured since he tried to sail in he had full sails, but had no wind. So I will not have reefed sails. Bligh also ordered his men to build a pair of shrouds. So in my opinion there was no chain plates and deadeyes to speak of. As the MS kit shows. So those are out. JimLad pointed out that these boats really do not have belaying pins. So going thru May's book, I have yet to find a boat with them. But the NMM models show these boats with iron bar pins. So I will be placing those on the BL instead of BP. I will also be using eye bolts to assist in the rigging. Which I think was a more possiblilty on the BL instead of BP, deadeyes, and chain plates. I will be using 4 cleats on the BL also. There was a chance ever so slight. But have not found any negative that there wasn't any at all. I will be adding ring bolts also. I think they should of had them to raise n lower the Launch from the sea. so onward we go.................Mario
  12. Well this is were I decided to bash the BL. I noticed the draught on the BL. First the aft platform was not angled downward as how the MS plans had me do. Plus the quarter knees n breasthook looked totally different from the draught. So now I have May's book on Boats of Man of War. i also have McKay's book on the Bounty. I am also using reference from the NMM. And most importantly I am going thru Bligh journal to make the Launch as acurate as possible. But I am faced with very little info n picture's of what the BL would of been outfitted. So it's getting interesting now. Heres the draught. And soon some new pic's on my changes to MS Bounty Launch. But 1st I must say the MS kit is a wonderful kit. I just wanted a small challenge to my little boat. cheers Mario
  13. I know these pic's are out of order but I went ahead and did this since you were interested Arthur.....enjoy because I have been having funputting it together..... Mario Mario Thanks Charles..... Here's a few more photos. If you have any questions please let me know.... Mario
  14. Well I hope that i do not get in trouble by posting a build thread that is already completed. But it got blown away with the switch over to 2.0, but I know some modelers were refering to it so that is why I am doing what i doing.... It started out to just to try out POF, but once I started reading about Capt. Bligh and one of the greastest maritime true stories ever I decided to bash the kit, using all the reference i could find about the voyage. Knowing that the jolly boat was the first choice to put Bligh and his men into, but was rotted out so they were moved to the Launch. So here is my partake on building the launch. Hello All, I started the Launch a couple months back on MSW. So I thought I would start one on MSB so you can see what I am up to. I started building the kit per the kit instructions. But last week I decided to bash the kit to follow more to Mckay' drawing in his book n going by the draught. So since I am getting to 150+ pic's I thought I would add every 5th pic to bring you all up to date. Please any questions and/or advice would be welcomed. cheers Mario
  15. Hi Jim thats a nice idea to back the backboard taller, i will have to do that....I hope add some photos here on your thread from your class next week...have fun
  16. Thanks Jim, I hope you enjoy your class next week. For me that was not an option, I have a lousy excuse.....I'M JUST A FEW 1000 MILES AWAY!!! haha! I'm home late from work today, so I hope to add some updates tomorrow instead...
  17. HI ben Thanks for your kind remarks..... Hello Anja and Thank you very much for your kindness.... Oh glad to see you stop by Greg, Your remarks Have calmed my worries. This is all be new to me, I am now glad that am going in the right direction. The only thing I had wrong was the dimensions of the floor early on in the build, but after you straighten me out all has been well. I am going to finish up frames 4 n 5 tonight and hopefully raising them by this weekend. But I am now in the market trying to locate 1:48 scale figures for the model which for that era me thinks would be around 36mm.... THANKS AGAIN GREG....
  18. Hi Cap, Nice of you to stop by. Thank you very much for your kind remarks.....
  19. Hi Sjors your project is coming along very nicely. Sorry have not been by, just having a time trying to get use to 2.0, but the learning curve is getting better...
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