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Cap'n Rat Fink

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    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to CaptainSteve in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    Thusly, wi’ the completion o’ the construction stages, Our Hero didst look-eth ahead …
    “Indeed-eth,” he were heard to bemoan, “e’en matters o' colouration be-eth behind me.”
    Now, to say that CaptainSteve hath allowed his ownself to get-eth a little carried away throughout the past 38+ pages wouldst, verily, be-eth an understatement !!
    “Arrrrg-eth …” Our Hero were seen to hang-eth his head. “In sum total, there be some 79 pieces, bits ‘n’ parts that hath been made and await-eth permanent fixation unto me Launch ?!?!?”
    “Methinks, mayhaps, I didst go-eth overboard, just a tad !!”

    Verily, o'er the next seven-day, CaptainSteve shall be giving most serious considerations unto matters o' Interior Decoration and Home Design.
    EDIT: For those amongst the Horde who are pedantic enough to count, the total of seventy-nine includes the grapnel anchor, already affixed into position upon the bow grate.
  2. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to CaptainSteve in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    At precisely 'leven hours and twenty-five minutes past Noon-tide, on the Fifth Day of the month o’ April, in the Year of Our Lord, Two thousand and Fifteen (Anno Domini), CaptainSteve didst, finally, re-insert-eth the final bung into the final bung-hole o’ the final barrel o’ his Launch build.
    “Verily,” Our Hero were to declare, “the matters o’ miscellany have-eth, at last, been put-eth behind me.”
    Indeed-eth, his legendary list doth finally appear-eth suchly ...

    Uncharacteristically, he refused to go into any great detail, saying only, “I doth refuse-eth to bang on further as to the details o’ me barrels. Shouldst thou wish-eth to learn more, then see-eth Tuffart’s brilliant barrel tutorial ‘ere.”
    Suffice-eth to say, his only comment were, “’Ere be pictures.”

    In addition, minor surgery didst prove-eth necessary on the rudder, as Our Hero doth explain-eth.
    “Some clumsy buffoon were to be a-breaking the bulbous bulb a-from the end o’ me tiller-arm,” he didst state, most accusingly.
    (And, precisely, who might-eth THAT have been, CaptainSteve ??)
    “Ahem … “, he didst bluster, “That matter-eth not. But ne’er fear, for I didst make-eth one anew.”

    Finally, Our Hero were to use-eth the dot-matrix printer employed most pragmatically upon his flour sacks ‘tother eve.
    “I be a-seein’,” CaptainSteve were to mention, “that in Cap’n Rat Fink’s log he be a-adding initials to a replica o’ Bligh’s personal feed-bowl …”

  3. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to mtaylor in Probably the dumbest planking question ever....   
    I've never seen it anywhere so I need to ask....
    On a POF, why do a lot of builders do the interior first?   Is this just mis-perception on my part... or...?  I would think the exterior would be better first since a variety of clamps could be used without damaging the interior planks.  Then the interior could be planked using spales instead of clamps.
    I hope someone can set me straight before I proceed much further doing the exterior first.
  4. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Mtoriordan in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    I placed the bottom on the supplied blocks to put a bend in, just to get an idea of what angle frame 1 and 3 needed. The bevel was as described slight...

    Also placed the knee and transom.
  5. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Mtoriordan in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    QA and Russ, thank you for taking a look and I so appreciate the likes from others.
    Had a bit of quiet time this morning and sanded the frame floor flush with the frames.
    Next step is setting up the frames. Frame 1 and 3 require a slight angle, so when bottom plank is bent they become upright. I understand the concept, just very unsure how much of an angle is 'slight.'
  6. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Mtoriordan in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    Removed the six frame pieces from the die-sheet and placed them on the plan.

    I spent quite a bit of time today cutting, sanding and placing the frames back onto the plan to check my progress. I was glad I had remembered numbering the frames from my skiff build, the dinghy instructions did not mention it. Came in quite handy when I had taken a break and a furry freeloader in my residence mistook the frames for a new cat toy.
    Believe I have gotten the frames as near to identical for each set and moved along to attach frame floors.

    Am using wood glue, so will place a little weight on the frame floors and put them aside until tomorrow.
    Scribed the frame and cleat lines onto the bottom plank and also marked locations for the knee and stem.
    Attached the three bottom cleats. Also will place a little weight on top and set aside until tomorrow.

  7. Like
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    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Mtoriordan in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    Hello all,
    I have always been intrigued by wood model ships. During the past winter, I decided to attempt my first build and began doing some research as to what kit would be best for a novice builder....particularly one with zero knowledge, experience or skills.
    MSW has been an amazing resource and greatly contributed to pointing me in the direction of the Midwest apprentice line. Thank you!
    My first build was the Midwest skiff. The experience was so gratifying and I was overall very pleased with the completed project.
    This is quite an addictive hobby and I had to start another.
    Midwest, The Dinghy, arrived the other day and I decided to make the leap and post the build....so here goes.
    400 grit sand and scribed plank lines to bottom plank.
    My first build was a slow one and I expect this one will be as well. Slow seems to be a pace that suits me. I will be tackling the frames next and will continue to post progress or any problems that arise.
    Any advice and/or comments are always welcomed.
  9. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to mtaylor in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Impressive steamer.  I guess when you're not using it for wood, it'll work for snacks in the workshop?  Fantastic job on that.
  10. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Wintergreen in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    So, was a bit creative the last day...bought a stove good for 2,5 hp (funny, you never relate to electric equipment that generates heat in horsepower...always the dull kW...) "My heatgun can blast at 2 hp!" Nope, you never hear that.
    Anyway, a couple of pictures. The construction was straight forward. No glue, just stainless steel patio screws. The lid was firstly put on to tight so I had to rearrange the hinges at add a sealing profile. Drilled a 10 mm hole in the far end of the lid also to let the steam out. The box is 90 cm long, inside height 45 mm and inside width ca 55 mm.

    And the inside. Planks rests on elevated bamboo skewers.

    Finally, take two on the first plank. In a gleaming "time to lock up and go inside" kind of light.

  11. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from Farbror Fartyg in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
       WOW made out of OAK! Boy you got your work cut out for you. Have you thought of using a steam humidifier, hose, and a plastic bag. You stick your plank into the bag. Connect your humidifier to the bag using the hose. seal the bag real good. But at the other end make sure you have a opening that will let the steam escape. But also making sure it does not escape too quickly so it will soften the plank. Check the plank as it softens up, once pliable use gloves so you won't burn yourself. Turn off humidifier, clamp the plank plastic bag and all to your form. Turn on humidifier, let it steam a bit more. Then turn off humidifier, but leaving the plank clamped in place. Once cool take plank out of bag and it should form up pretty close to what you want. It should not be a struggle to glue in place. That is what I would do Hakan.
    Plus you can use the humidifier if you a bit of a congestion in the lungs there Hakan. LOL!
    Oh yeah no frames You would use a STRONGBACK to plank. Check out my build logs for the Bounty Launch and Galilee Boat. Have fun my friend.
  12. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from mtaylor in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
       WOW made out of OAK! Boy you got your work cut out for you. Have you thought of using a steam humidifier, hose, and a plastic bag. You stick your plank into the bag. Connect your humidifier to the bag using the hose. seal the bag real good. But at the other end make sure you have a opening that will let the steam escape. But also making sure it does not escape too quickly so it will soften the plank. Check the plank as it softens up, once pliable use gloves so you won't burn yourself. Turn off humidifier, clamp the plank plastic bag and all to your form. Turn on humidifier, let it steam a bit more. Then turn off humidifier, but leaving the plank clamped in place. Once cool take plank out of bag and it should form up pretty close to what you want. It should not be a struggle to glue in place. That is what I would do Hakan.
    Plus you can use the humidifier if you a bit of a congestion in the lungs there Hakan. LOL!
    Oh yeah no frames You would use a STRONGBACK to plank. Check out my build logs for the Bounty Launch and Galilee Boat. Have fun my friend.
  13. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from Omega1234 in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
       WOW made out of OAK! Boy you got your work cut out for you. Have you thought of using a steam humidifier, hose, and a plastic bag. You stick your plank into the bag. Connect your humidifier to the bag using the hose. seal the bag real good. But at the other end make sure you have a opening that will let the steam escape. But also making sure it does not escape too quickly so it will soften the plank. Check the plank as it softens up, once pliable use gloves so you won't burn yourself. Turn off humidifier, clamp the plank plastic bag and all to your form. Turn on humidifier, let it steam a bit more. Then turn off humidifier, but leaving the plank clamped in place. Once cool take plank out of bag and it should form up pretty close to what you want. It should not be a struggle to glue in place. That is what I would do Hakan.
    Plus you can use the humidifier if you a bit of a congestion in the lungs there Hakan. LOL!
    Oh yeah no frames You would use a STRONGBACK to plank. Check out my build logs for the Bounty Launch and Galilee Boat. Have fun my friend.
  14. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Wintergreen in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Question for the weekend: How do you plank a boat that lacks frames?
    And subsequent, do I really need to go down the spiling path?
    It took the entire Saturday to come up with the answer which is kind of: Nah, you dont really...
    Next question, how do you soak a plank that is nearly 1m long? 
    The obvious answer to that is: In something that is just above 1m long and holds water...
    Went all over my place to find something useful. The closest I got was A. the bathtub on 2nd floor. B. Flower tray (unfortunately pierced to drain water...)
    Think again.
    Eventually I used some leftover gutters from my renovations. Wacked it to the shape of an ugly tray and voilá! There it was. Have only knocked it over once up to now. The shop floor needed some soaking anyway....not!
    Back to planking.
    First I ripped down the plank to some 8mm width. Then it went for a bath. Unsuccessful tries were performed yesterday so I gave up and left it in water for the time being. Went back to the shipyard this morning with a fresh set of mind (well, almost fresh). Having spent the last 12 hrs in water the oak was mildly negotiable both laterally and longitudinally. It will be a struggle nevertheless.
    Summary: I need more C-clamps.

  15. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Wintergreen in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    No worries Mario, you are helping very much. Thanks for the link, I've been to that site a couple of times. My scale is somewhat floating, but nevertheless I want it to be reasonable when it comes to dimensions.
    As can be seen in the latest images the hull is way wider than the original. (So much for scale) But that has to do with this models purpose, being a candle holder of sort.
    Ben, you are welcome. There is plenty of space on the first row
  16. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from EJ_L in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Hello Hakan,
        Nice to see you building again. I built 2 of these boats. One for my home, the other went to our church. Have fun I will be watching. This is the 1/24 scale model and the book I used almost extensively plus versus in the bible.

  17. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Wintergreen in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Back from abroad and able to spend some quality time in the shop ... yay.
    One thing that struck me today is that some day..any day ... in the future .. I will actually put together some accurate plans and then think through a step by step scheme to work by. However, this is not that day. I am more like Jack Sparrow (Captain Jack Sparrow) making it up as I go kind of type.
    Since the hull will be semi filled with sand I reckoned it needed a form stable flooring. In my stash I found an old piece of plywood of unknown origin (not really, I know exactly where it came from) some 12 mm thick.
    Next problem to solve was whether I should make two half sides and attach to the "keel" in some ingenious way. I opted out for that and instead made single piece floor. Problem with that was how to attach the backbone to it. Instead of more words, the pictures will tell the answer.
    First with the backbone in place

    And then to show the solution.

    Next up will be to bevel the plywood and also cut a rabbet in the stem and stern.
    Mario, a question to you if you read this, Do you have any information on the dimension of the planks for the hull? The thickness I have worked out, but how broad were they? Do you know? The scale I am building to is somewhere in the range of 1/12 - 1/15.
  18. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Wintergreen in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Mario, I just found what I was looking for in this practicum from Dick Webber (google told me...):
    Planks are in the range of 6"/120 mm wide. Which will give me a handy 10 mm wide plank.
  19. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Wintergreen in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Thanks Mario, re "correct as possible" this time it will be a bit different I am planning to ease my pain a bit by not making it a replica or true scale model. Hope you dont get too disappointed friend. 
    At this point I have no more progress to show, working on ripping planks for flooring and sides. Lots of uninteresting sawdust, but I will take some progress shots nevertheless.
    Tomorrow current projects at work has send me to London for the week...one of those weeks you know. My workshop will miss me and I it.
  20. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from Omega1234 in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Hey Hakan,
       Thanks brother. If you need any info I kept a lot of mine. Don't know if you have that book. But the author was the onsite archaeologist when they unearthed the wreck. Plus it has a lot of input from the brothers who found the boat. I know you Hakan, you like to get things a correct as possible. It  will be a joy to watch your progress buddy.
  21. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from EdT in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Hello Hakan,
        Nice to see you building again. I built 2 of these boats. One for my home, the other went to our church. Have fun I will be watching. This is the 1/24 scale model and the book I used almost extensively plus versus in the bible.

  22. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Wintergreen in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Hello Mario and John and thanks for the welcoming back!
    It's good to be here again.
    All likes equally appreciated.
    Yes Mario, I stumbled upon your log while I used Google's services. You are such a master of small boat dioramas. Lovely little pieces.
  23. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Hello Hakan,
        Nice to see you building again. I built 2 of these boats. One for my home, the other went to our church. Have fun I will be watching. This is the 1/24 scale model and the book I used almost extensively plus versus in the bible.

  24. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Hello Hakan,
        Nice to see you building again. I built 2 of these boats. One for my home, the other went to our church. Have fun I will be watching. This is the 1/24 scale model and the book I used almost extensively plus versus in the bible.

  25. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from Jack12477 in Sea of Galilee boat by Wintergreen - FINISHED   
    Hello Hakan,
        Nice to see you building again. I built 2 of these boats. One for my home, the other went to our church. Have fun I will be watching. This is the 1/24 scale model and the book I used almost extensively plus versus in the bible.

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