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Mike Dowling

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    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    John, I thought you would ask. It's a new setup called Real Model Pilots. They have some designs but will do bespoke as well. They are all done bu 3d printer and whilst they look a bit rough out of the box they paint up nicely. They will paint them for you at a price !!!!Have a look at their website
    Good luck.
  2. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just in case anyone out there is still interested I did manage to source some 1/16 scale pilots to go with my models. Horrible price but for me they just make things complete and well worth it.
    They are WW1 pilots and were purchased unpainted.

  3. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just in case anyone out there is still interested I did manage to source some 1/16 scale pilots to go with my models. Horrible price but for me they just make things complete and well worth it.
    They are WW1 pilots and were purchased unpainted.

  4. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from hexnut in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just in case anyone out there is still interested I did manage to source some 1/16 scale pilots to go with my models. Horrible price but for me they just make things complete and well worth it.
    They are WW1 pilots and were purchased unpainted.

  5. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just in case anyone out there is still interested I did manage to source some 1/16 scale pilots to go with my models. Horrible price but for me they just make things complete and well worth it.
    They are WW1 pilots and were purchased unpainted.

  6. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Ondras71 in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just in case anyone out there is still interested I did manage to source some 1/16 scale pilots to go with my models. Horrible price but for me they just make things complete and well worth it.
    They are WW1 pilots and were purchased unpainted.

  7. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just to let you all know I have now completed the Albatros as well complete this time with a fully working control stick. Practice makes perfect don't you know ! I still have the Curtis Jenny in my stash to do and have been trying to find a Nieuport at a reasonable price but no luck so far. Sometimes I wish I lived in the US - so much cheaper there.
    Anyway, a few pics for you.

  8. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from cog in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just in case anyone out there is still interested I did manage to source some 1/16 scale pilots to go with my models. Horrible price but for me they just make things complete and well worth it.
    They are WW1 pilots and were purchased unpainted.

  9. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Jack12477 in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just in case anyone out there is still interested I did manage to source some 1/16 scale pilots to go with my models. Horrible price but for me they just make things complete and well worth it.
    They are WW1 pilots and were purchased unpainted.

  10. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    hey there.........got a bit of progress here to show you.   since I have about twenty or so windows to make {and this is just one type....there are two},  I figured I'd better gt busy on them.  using the metal window billets as a jig,  I set up two 1 x 3 mm strips in order to mass make the frames.  then the tedium of cementing them together.

    I had made one of the engine room vents....there are two in all.  I made the other one today.  I used the grating that I made for the United States build.

    then,  I was going to chicken out on making the doors for the second level,  and use the metal ones.   they fit OK.......I was just going to paint them.
        but come the moment of truth,  I find that I'm missing one of them.  they've never left the box they came in..........I looked all around the table,  because I did try to drill the squares out of one of them......figured I'd try and make them with windows.  that stuff is tougher than a marine drill Sargent!  when I finally came to grips that it was nowhere to be found,  I decided to make them.   turned out to be the easiest thing I've done all day   

    a little clean up and they'll work out just fine.    I'll likely do more on her tonight........I'll post again real soon   
  11. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to Trussben in Queen Anne Barge by Trussben - FINISHED - Syren Ship Model - 1:24   
    Thanks for the likes and comments.
    I made 5 of the sweeps and displaying them on the little stands that Chuck supplied.
    Here is the QA Barge completed and in her display case.
    This has been a really fun and fulfilling little build with enough complexity to keep me interested to the end.
    Chuck you are to be congratulated on a great kit that will be enjoyed by many people and I may have to have a go at your new longboat when it’s ready.
    Back to the Pegasus build.

  12. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to Chuck in Queen Anne Barge by Trussben - FINISHED - Syren Ship Model - 1:24   
    That looks absolutely terrific Ben.   I hope you had fun building it!!!   It really looks great and thanks for sharing the log.
  13. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Concord Stagecoach by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - Model Trailways - 1:12 scale - circa 1862 "Cobb & Co"   
    Well done Danny, another one toad to your tally of brilliant builds.
  14. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    I guess this is soon enough      I just had a rather funny experience with the Progress........I took it off the table so what I did can dry  {or else I'll just keep pick'in at it  }     here is the dry fit I promised.

    not cutting the outer banding on the two upper decks was a good thing to do......the tabs for the structure can't be seen.   I'm gonna try using the tulle for those vent holes.
  15. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to Jim Lad in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    I just don't understand where you find the time to do so much on so many models all at once, mate!  I especially like that deck.
  16. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    I stopped for lunch guys..........aside from taking Gibbs out,  I've spent all morning on the T.D.   even the camera needed a refueling!     Brian had asked about where I'm going next with the build,  so it starts there.  the opening in the center of the third deck has a rise from the structure below,  and it must be built up.  there are vents that line the upper part of the rise...but I'll get to this later.   I'm not doing what they instruct me to do.  so it starts with the base layer of wood....the two ends and the sides.

    so while this was drying,  I figured that I'd plank the deck that serves as it's roof.

    as I got to the outer edges,  I saw that a full width plank wouldn't fit..........so I used a 2 mm plank strip to finish it off.

    there are two holes I need to open up when I'm able to.  I went over it with a wash of stain,  wiping it off quickly......all I want it to do is cover over any unstained spots that may have shown up.  it matches well with the below deck.

    later........to drill out the holes,  I clamped it to a piece of junk plywood and drilled them out with the same size bit.   on this deck is a smaller cabin structure....above that,  is another smaller deck.   I planked this one next,  staining up a couple more strips when I ran low.

    they are all trimmed and sanded around the outer edges.   back on the third deck,  twelve short pieces were cut from the same wood, the base frame was made from.  they were arranged on the rise giving them spaces in between......one on the fore and aft ends as well.

    the one on the fore end juts out from the shape of the base frame,  and needed to be trimmed and sanded to match the shape.

    as you can see,  it was stained over to mask the sanding marks.   since the wood used didn't match,  the entire rise was stained.  it looks much better than to leave it with two different hues of wood.

    I recall running out of that particular shade of gray,  that I used for the undersides of the lower decks.   since the underside of this deck will be unnoticeable,  I stained it.

    checking to be sure I drilled out all of the holes,  the two smaller decks were banded with thin strip mahogany.  I washed my hands to loosen up the caked on CA,  on my fingers.

    I left the banding that overlapped the slots for the structure,  just in case it would be needed.   as for the third deck,  the other holes were drilled out, leaving a couple of the slots closed,  and it too was banded.  I still need to figure out what to do about the underside,  since this deck is more like the lower decks and should be painted gray.......I need to get more paint  

    I found some spare thin strips that I had stained in mahogany,  so I also finished the small cabin structure too.

    I didn't bother to cut out for windows.....the lavatory doesn't need them!  privy must be the shortened word for privacy     ok....my musing is over......lunch is done........guess I'll go find something to do   
  17. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to popeye the sailor in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    see.....now wasn't that quick     with the system I use,  I can import the pictures,  size them down by 30%,  and set them up in a folder.   after I'm finished posting them,  they go in the main folder for the project,  to be stored on a memory stick.  the ones I use are 32GB,  so there is plenty of room.
    anyway.........I got half of the deck done.  I trimmed it and cut out the stair wells...I still need to do all the slots and holes.

    then I started on the other end,  in a reverse pattern.

    I had to stain a couple small bunches of plank strips to get the job done.  all the edge trimming is done,  the single stairwell is done,  and I went over the deck with another application of stain to get rid of the nicks.   I do around the stair wells and holes later,  when they are all punched out.

    I still need to do the edge banding too........all in good time though      I'm getting warmed back up to 'er.   more soon.....thanks for the good word all and thanks for the likes!  
  18. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Canute in The Tumblin' Dice by popeye the sailor - Artesania Latina - 1:80 - Mississippi riverboat   
    And about time too !!!!
  19. Like
  20. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    that would be a squadron.......man,  they look so good in flight!   didn't know you were doing an albatross........such a cool addition   
    great job !   
  21. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Do you get a fleet? Maybe a flock or a herd ? Or even a swarm !!!
  22. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from druxey in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just to let you all know I have now completed the Albatros as well complete this time with a fully working control stick. Practice makes perfect don't you know ! I still have the Curtis Jenny in my stash to do and have been trying to find a Nieuport at a reasonable price but no luck so far. Sometimes I wish I lived in the US - so much cheaper there.
    Anyway, a few pics for you.

  23. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Thank you Nils, with your wonderful models I really appreciate the compliment.
  24. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Carl, would an Albatross do ?
    Ken, there is just no pleasing some people !!
    Boyd, I love you !!
  25. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    And finally, finally, I didn't like the stand much. It was too low and so now we have the dogfight from the ceiling !!

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