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st george

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Everything posted by st george

  1. Spot on Danny, Well done mate. David
  2. Next Photo for you is Good Luck David
  3. The Privateer Fly ?
  4. Just picked up the first in this series and looking forward to some good reading. David
  5. 1943 - Establishment of Tenth Fleet in Washington, DC, under command of ADM King to coordinate U.S. antisubmarine operations in Atlantic 1973 - The British Royal Navy Frigates the Cleopatra, the Plymouth and the Lincoln are sent to the disputed Icelandic 50-mile zone to protect British trawlers fishing inside the zone as the COD WAR between Britain and Iceland escalates.
  6. Kevin, What model is in the photos you just posted? David
  7. There's a book called An epitome, historical and statistical, descriptive of the Royal naval service of England, by E. Miles with the assistance of L. Miles. On page 74 is this picture with no name only the description, Man of War Schooner (new class) 6 Guns. I am now going to hit the Sack. David
  8. 1882 - Commodore Shufeldt (USS Swatara) lands in Korea to negotiate first treaty between Korea and Western power 1912 - Navy establishes North Atlantic Ice Patrol following RMS Titanic disaster 1965 - 30th Naval Construction Regiment activated at Danang, Vietnam
  9. Is it the Decatur?
  10. SS Nizam is correct. Well done Dave. Your turn.
  11. Is your photo from a book Adrieke? Next from me. Good Luck David
  12. Hundreds of ships later I can't find that photo, but I recon that it's the ship on this web site. http://home.planet.nl/~persson/Htmlbest/tabinta.html The M.S. Tabinta? David
  13. 1798 - Appointment of Benjamin Stoddert as first Secretary of the Navy
  14. USS Canonicus, You got it. Looks like a Submarine.
  15. Here's one for Kevin. Good Luck David
  16. SS City of Peking?
  17. 1940 - FDR announces plans to recommission 35 more destroyers 1942 - USS Tautog (SS-199) sinks Japanese sub, I-28; while USS Triton (SS-201) sinks I-164 1951 - Aircraft from carriers attack bridges between Wonsan and Hamhung, Korea 1962 - Naval amphibious ready group lands Marines to guard Thailand's borders from Communist probes 1966 - Naval Support Activity Saigon established 1973 - First woman to hold a major Navy command, Captain Robin Lindsay Quigley assumes command of Navy Service School, San Diego, CA. 1987 - USS Stark (FFG-31) struck by Iraqi Exocet missile in Persian Gulf, killing 37 Sailors. 21 were wounded. 1990 - USS Roark rescues 42 refugees from unseaworthy craft in South China Sea
  18. Yep Dave has it. La Gloire. Well done mate. David
  19. Try this one. It should be easy. Good Luck David
  20. DS Haakon Jarl?
  21. Great photos Chris. Thanks for sharing them with us. I too like the Launching of HMS Warrior. Do you know what scale that's built in ? David
  22. Steam Ship Ormuz?
  23. 1919 - Three Navy flying boats begin 1st trans-Atlantic flight from Newfoundland 1965 - First US gunfire support in Vietnam by USS Tucker
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