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st george

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Everything posted by st george

  1. For my next Good luck David
  2. Only other ship I can find that looks like that is the President Grant?
  3. Is it the President Lincoln?
  4. Kevin shouldn't we be on May 5th? 2009 - A French-team using deep-sea robots began to recover bodies from a 2009 Air France plane crash 1944 - USS Comfort is commissioned in San Pedro, CA; first ship to be manned jointly by Army and Navy personnel. 1980 - USS Robert E. Peary rescues 440 Vietnamese refugees from disabled craft south of Thailand.
  5. Sorry to keep you waiting, just got up. Bill you are correct. I must have missed it the first time round. David
  6. Next up is one for Andy. Good Luck David
  7. At first I thought it was the Seismic Research Vessel Geo Celtic. but looked more and realised it was her sistership the Geo Caribbean. http://www.nauticexpo.com/prod/bergen-group-bmv/seismic-research-vessels-32254-280031.html David
  8. Congratulations Andy. What a great build and log for us all to see and admire. Good luck with your next build. David
  9. Faster than me Wayne. I just found her and refreshed to find you beat me. Well done. David
  10. Juergen, Great looking build so far. I shall watch with interest as I was just given that book. David
  11. This one almost goes airborne.
  12. Here's some more information on other submersible aircraft/flying subs. http://translate.google.sk/translate?prev=hp&hl=sk&js=n&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hitechweb.genezis.eu%2Fsubmersible_aircraft.htm&sl=sk&tl=en&history_state0=&swap=1 David
  13. Available as a model if anyone is interested. http://www.fantastic-plastic.com/Ushakov_LPL_Flying_Sub_Page.htm David
  14. 1624 - Spanish silver fleet sails to Panama
  15. Congrats TRJ. You got it right. HMS Neptune.
  16. I did look at thier site, but must have missed that exhibit. Next up from me. Good Luck David
  17. I was afraid of that. Lets see next one. HMAS Canberra?
  18. Am I right in that it is an Adelaide class Frigate?
  19. HMAS Newcastle?
  20. 1866 - Peruvian defenders fight off Spanish fleet at the Battle of Callao.
  21. 1969 - QE2 departs on her maiden voyage to New York City.
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