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Everything posted by stangone50

  1. Thanks philo! I really know nothing about boats other than what I learned from this build, unfortunately most has been forgotten. Here is my work on the deck and bow gratings. The bow grating was a challenging piece to fit and build but was much fun.
  2. Next I worked on the cannons. The kit came with brass wheels but was missing half of them. I ended up making my own wood wheels. This is what the kit gave me and what I was able to come up with...
  3. Hello everyone! I would like to try to rebuild my lost log. I started building this kit back in 2012 but have left it alone for almost 2 years. I very much enjoyed the woodwork but kinda gave up half way through the ratlines. Coming across this forum again has inspired me to give it another shot. This build is not correct as I am an amateur and made quite a few mistakes. I will try to keep it updated with my old photos and short descriptions till I can get to the point I am at now. I have to thank Dan Vad and Vulcan Bomber and all the other great builders who helped me out back then. So to begin here are some photos from the first few days of the build.
  4. Hi Dan. We met a few years ago on the old forum. I started watching this build when you started it but been away from modeling since. I happened to come across this forum again today and found your build. My words can not describe the awesomeness of this ship. She's really beautiful.
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