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Everything posted by MikkiC

  1. @Ondras71 I find this kit rather awkward, different from other galleons from shape to construction. My kit was only a partial, so aside from keel, bulkheads, and few odds and ends, I basically have to build most fittings. I like what you've done with the stern doors and the painted decorations. The colours look great.
  2. I want to smooth out that awkward looking bungle so that the transom doesn't hang below its supports thus creating a nice, cleaner line.
  3. Thoughts???? I'm looking ahead a little, and I still have to attach the transom. This doesn't look right to me, but if I'm wrong, please tell me. The plans kinda have it slapped on the back like so:
  4. The good news is it's not concrete. It's just paint. 🙂 You have this in hand. Of that, I am certain.
  5. Feeling a little more normal now. Wow. My brain sometimes confounds me. Hahaha. Nonetheless, I can proceed.
  6. I love the views from above her. The lines, shape are magnificent.
  7. Well the mortgage company requires I pay them so my dogs have a roof over their heads and a yard to run in, so I had to put off the fix and go to work. 🙂 The fix is underway. I still have the other side, but this is much better. I tore out more than I originally thought I would. Eh, no biggie.
  8. Whoopsie!!!!! I was impatient (always a disaster 🙂) waiting for wood, so I pieced together some of the planking with what pieces I had. What was I thinking? I ripped off about 5 planks on each side. The curve was all kinds of wrong. Now that I have a better layout, I have to fix a few. It's definitely fixable but annoying. Thankfully this is getting 2 layers, but I need to get this layer solid and sound. Lesson learned.
  9. And.... I've never put a waterline on any ship I've built, and I've never regretted it. I think it would hide your beautiful work....which would be a shame. That's just my opinion.
  10. Yes, agree completely with @druxey. The slightly faded colours give it a more aged, authentic feel. I'm a big fan of black micro makers for outlining when warranted. They work really well. She looks fantastic.
  11. Yay for painting! I think painting adds another level that inlays, whether wood or...gulp...paper, just can't provide.
  12. This is stunning. Your work and attention to detail are truly amazing. I've been following this from the beginning....albeit quietly. This ship is on my to-build list. I'm not brave enough to attempt a scratch build....yet.
  13. Agree with Todd...mighty nice shipyard you have there. I've yet to use powertools on any build....yet. Build looks fantastic. Your work is impressive.
  14. Thank you for the likes and confidence boosters. Pfalzer, I cannot take credit for the toothpick hack. I wish I could remember who I learned it from so as to give him credit! Dreaded windows: like many others, I prefer not to use photo etched kit brass if I don't have to. The windows for galleons, however, are tough to make. That arch is hard....well for me it is. This is what I have thus far. Any suggestions are surely welcome: I took 2 x 5 limewood and ripped in half with an Xacto. I traced a window from the plan and transferred onto some painter's tape. My "kit" is a partial, so it doesn't have any brass parts. Anyway, I glued the strips in the shape of the form. I glued three strips at arch. Once dry, I traced the pattern, used an Xacto to cut the arch, filed, and sanded. I'm still going to stain. I use those Minwax marker like stain pen things for small parts like the doors, windows, etc... As for grating....not sure. Paint twistie tie wire black? For glass....still not sure....cigarette pack cellophane?
  15. Can't wait to see this one being built. I'm glad the initial setup was fairly painless. I built Occre's Revenge. The setup was not so painless. : ) I'm interested in knowing what you think of Occre's directions/plans. For the Revenge, they were pretty good overall. In truth, I like Mamoli's plans. Artesania Latina's leave quite a bit to be desired. This ship is on my possible to-do-in-the-future list, so I'll be watching along with the others.
  16. Well I need some doors. I love the toothpick hack. It's fun.
  17. Absolutely fantastic! Impressive. You work so well so quickly.
  18. Yes planking is tedious. I don't use any powertools when I work on a ship. Maybe in the future I will, but for now I like the tactile closeness with the wood. Looking good!!!!
  19. Well a little more work on the hull, but I'm just about out of limewood. I was waiting to order when the walnut was back in stock to save on shipping. Alas, I bit the bullet. I had a few low spots I filled in. I see people planking a hull with prebending wood. I cannot figure out how they do it. The wood breaks/cracks on me if I don't bend it first. I still need to cut out a few more gun ports. I guess I'll work on some cannons 'til the wood arrives.
  20. I'm curious about the two different sizes. Any reason why or just because you like the look? What is working with oak on this scale like? I only know it in bigger projects like flooring and bookcases.
  21. She is beautiful. I very much enjoyed reading your log, and the pics are amazing. Can't wait for the updates.
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