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Everything posted by threebs

  1. Masts on the United States are up. Jib and flying jib boom are on. Starting standing rigging.
  2. "Chains" for the shrouds on the United States are done. The chains for the stays will go in as I rig them.
  3. "Chain links" are done on one side on the United States. I will paint them when the other side is done. The brass pieces are supports for the chain wales.
  4. Almost all of the spar deck furniture on the United States is complete, a few things are not glued down, just in place for the photos.
  5. The masts for the United States are done. Now I will "dress" them. Which means eye bolts and cleats where needed and slings, blocks for the stays. And of course finish painting them!
  6. Starting to install the carronades and cannon. A well as some of the deck furniture on the United States.
  7. Bow and stern details are done side stairs are on, gun tackle eye bolts are in place and lower masts are done for the United States.
  8. It was actually. Getting the spacing of the spokes is/was painstaking.
  9. Spar deck supports going in, making the main hatch beam pillars and starting the carronade carriages.
  10. Work on the stern galleries for the United States are all but done. A Shield Eagle and some stars to carve yet.
  11. Going to be a good looking model. I used her as a reference during my build of the Dolphin.
  12. Ship's boats are on. As is the rudder and ship's name. Only the gun ports and cannon left.
  13. Some of the Ship's boats, the anchors, the quarter davits (installed) and the anchors installed.
  14. Here I have posted photos of the hull of the United States, (1/72 scale). One side is perhaps 90% done with a few imperfections needing to be fixed. The other side shows it with a thin coat of wood filler. You can compare the sides to see the difference. The hull below the water line must be as smooth as I can make it. The reason is the copper adhesive backed tape I use for the plating is extremely thin and the plank seems would show otherwise. You would not see the seems through the copper on the real ship. I have included photos of the tape.
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