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Everything posted by threebs

  1. Some slow progress on the planking. In particular the form shaping the stern below the stern gallery.
  2. I have no idea except in a general sense. I started rigging on 11/20/2023 and finished 1/11/2024. So, 52 days. Average 3 hours a day. Guesstimate around 150 hours?
  3. About 3/4 of the running rigging on the New York is done. I am making the belfry and the braces blocks will go on soon.
  4. I got this far on the Mizzen yards and gaff running rigging on the New York before I ran out of cord. I ordered more and it should be here in a week or so. In the mean time I had time to work on the United States Framing.
  5. Smithsonian Institute. The website in the second photo is out of date, but it brings you to one that where you can order the catalog. I think it is 25.00 bucks now. Many of the warships of the US Navy from 1789 to 1860 are in this catalog. I do not remember where I got the deck plans by C. Ware. If you want, for the cost of postage and having my print shop guys copy it in this scale (1/72), I will send it to you. you can email me at gabe3105659@gmail.com with an address. Should be about 3 bucks for the copy and 5 or so for postage. https://americanhistory.si.edu/about/departments/work-and-industry/ship-plans. I had a similar request on one of my facebook groups and found this website. I remembered this after posting, so I edited it. Had to edit yet again, thought this forum might be of interest to you.
  6. Thanks for the tip on belaying pins. Almost none of them will be seen once the rope coils are in place, so I am not too concerned they are not quite to scale.
  7. I am making another United States. My first had a poop deck. This one will be more like she was when burned in 1861.
  8. The super glue drys shinny, so it serves 2 purposes. I coat the ratlines with the clear matte spray to eliminate the shininess and it seals the rope fibers so if it is not in a case and gathers dust, The dust does not penetrate into the rope seams and fibers. It makes blowing the dust off with a small compressor is easy. I coat all of my rigging this way.
  9. I demonstrate ship building at our local county fair each year for 10 days. The sound you hear in the background of the video is one of the many bands that play through out the day in the Grandstand right outside the building I am in.
  10. Yes, those are staples. They HELP keep the shrouds straight. It is not a perfect method, but, it helps immensely.
  11. Ratline jigs are all up, and one side of lower Mizzen shrouds done and posted here to show jig use results
  12. More work on the New York. Lower shrouds are all in. Starting the futtock shrouds and top mast shrouds.
  13. Work on the New York progresses. Lower fore mast shrouds are basically done. Futtock staves and Catharpins are on. Heart blocks are in on the bow sprit.
  14. Masts, spirit mast on Mizzen, and Jib Boom are going in on the New York. On my last few ship models I have not been gluing the masts in. Instead I have been simply allowing the tension on the shrouds to hold the masts in place.
  15. Masts, spirit mast on Mizzen, and Jib Boom are going in on the New York. On my last few ship models I have not been gluing the masts in. Instead I have been simply allowing the tension on the shrouds to hold the masts in place.
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