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Everything posted by threebs

  1. More progress on the New York. One side is planked "painted" with diluted wood glue to seal the seams where I did not super glue them. The yellowish color here and there is the wood glue. I did some rough sanding as well. It will need another glue coat to get the seams I missed the first time. And, as you can see, the other side is almost done. Maybe another week and I can give it a coat of epoxy wood filler. In two weeks I should be able to prime the hull.
  2. New York Great seal about as good as something this small is going to get. (for my skills anyway!)
  3. The 74 gun New York was never finished. She remained on the stocks until her destruction in April 1861 along with 10 other ships at Gosport (now Norfolk) Harbor. Research seems to indicate that she was being razzeed in preparation for conversion to a Steam Frigate. This build will reflect as she might have been had she been completed and launched.
  4. Once you try it is just as hard to keep at it.
  5. All of the bulkheads are cut and shaped. It maybe awhile before I post again as I need to carefully square and align the bulkheads. Also, because this is such a long ship, I will need to re enforce the keel at the bottom of the bulkheads to prevent warping. And at the sheer between bulkheads to strengthen and prevent the warping of the bulkhead upper hull side frames.
  6. got all the plywood I need for the bulkheads and keel today. I will begin slowly cutting and shaping them over the next few weeks, starting tonight.
  7. I am only posting to get this thread started. I just got a small set of plans for the Merrimack from the national Archives. I used my printer to blow them up to 1/72nd scale. They, along with a spar deck plan a member sent me should be enough to get me going. I am in the middle of 4 other builds, the Columbia, the Raritan, the Plymouth, and the Dolphin, so, it will be awhile be for I do any cutting of the bulkheads.
  8. Welcome to this site. Great resources here. I am from Fargo, North Dakota originally moved to Vail, AZ when I retired in 2005. I am familiar with the D L area and the Baudette area. I fished both areas frequently.
  9. I keep them in my garage. Working on cases for them slowly.
  10. The USS Delaware scratch built in 1/72 is 99.9% done. I will need to go over it closely a few more times to touch up paint here and there. Add a few more rope coils to the ship's boats tie off pins. Touch up the coppering and smooth it down where is has curled up from handling.
  11. One of the ship's sunk was the Merrimack. Except for a set of loft plans of her class ship the Wabash, I can not find much about her. How closely would the USS Kearsarge resemble the Merrimack?
  12. I am building all of the US warships sunk at Norfolk harbor in 1861. Still have the Germantown, the Merrimack, the Columbia, the Raritan, the Dolphin, and the Plymouth.
  13. Been a long time since I posted a build here. I believe I will start up again and see if I can drum up some interest. I have finished 3 of the 11 ship sunk at Norfolk harbor in 1861. The Pennsylvania, The Columbus and the United States.
  14. I made an offer to start build logs on the United States and Delaware on this site a few days ago. Seems to be no interest in them, so I will just go back to my other forums and concentrate my efforts there.
  15. Hello everyone, I am not sure why I stopped posting to this site, except I remember it was sort of difficult posting photos here, boy, not anymore! I have finished the Columbus now, And I have posted three photos of my United States build and the start of the Delaware 90 guns of 1817 I have the bulkheads cut out for the Germantown, the bulkhead patterns for the Columbia and Raritan ready to transfer to plywood. If anyone is interested I will start build logs for all of them.
  16. As much as I appreciate the "likes" i get on my posts they are just not the same a a personal "atta boy" post I can actually read and enjoy. Might as well have a robot on the other end making generic comments about my work, The whole concept of "likeing" simply escapes me.
  17. These plastic side hinge pin pieces should be the last bits to glue onto the gun doors. That is 4 each for the 32 double doors and two each for the 34 snigle doors, you do the math, I would be to intimidated if I actually knew how many it was, lol!
  18. These plastic side hinge pin pieces should be the last bits to glue onto the gun doors. That is 4 each for the 32 double doors and two each for the 34 sigle doors, you do the math, I would be to intimidated if I actually knew how many it was, lol!
  19. I have a little build station on an end table next to my couch where I sit with my leg up. I constructed all of the half doors and the hinge straps from here. I super glued all the straps to all the doors, then soldered the hinge pins to the the ends of the straps. The heat melted most of the straps off ans I had to re glue almost all of them over. I Used a fresh bottle of super glue and they do stay on better than before. The last photo shows the straps with pins soldered on, after the heat melted the glue.
  20. I will have more time to work on the ship now, I broke my ankle 3 days ago, lol. Surgery in 2 days. I chased a dog running in traffic to a house about a mile from me, I let him in the gate, he had dug a huge hole under the gate, so I put a couple head sized rocks in the hole, but, it looked like he could still get out, so I went to the front of the house and got a big 100 pound rock and as I was rounding the corner I stumbled on a drip irrigation line. I drop the rock to keep from going face first into the iron rail side fence, and, pow, landed on my ankle. I will still help dogs get home though, life happens, and you deal with, move on.
  21. I get more responses on my other build site than I do here, so that one gets more attention. Starting the bulkheads for my USS United States now, just working out how to cut the keel bulkhead. There will be a new site for that build, although it will not get much posting as I will only work on it occasionally until this build is done.
  22. Yeah, but, I post to another build site and the photos post much smaller, you click on them to get a larger print. On this site the "blow up" is the same size as the posted photo. Perhaps I need to reduce the pixels on this site, Just a little more work is all, lol.
  23. Some rough soldering of upper chains they need some smothing with a dremel tool and then paint. The chains need some straightening as well. Let me know your thoughts?
  24. I was looking at the top half of the chain connected to the dead eyes, and I don't think it is square stock like in the photo of the side of the Constitution's hull. I think the blue Print view shows a side on view of another link of chain, a skinny oval like on the Pennsylvania. The way it attaches to the bottom chain link and the Dead eye just does not look like it would work What do you guys think?
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