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    geoff reacted to Fright in Hi from Zealandic-Flanders   
    A very warm welcome !!!
  2. Like
    geoff reacted to mtaylor in Hi from Zealandic-Flanders   
  3. Like
    geoff reacted to Gendarme in Hi from Zealandic-Flanders   
    As a 56 year old I came back to plastic modelling a few years ago, after a pause of almost 30 years !
    Now I decided to take the hobby  a bit further down the line. I made up my mind  to “step into the deep” and take a chance at building wooden ships (at least make a very serious effort 😉). I have been “scavenging” the internet on the subject for some weeks and stumbled hereby on the “NRG MODELLING FORUM” and what a find indeed ! Today I was already in the opportunity to take a glance as a“guest” in the await of my registration completement and can’t wait to soak up the information you guys are sharing … so much to learn !!!!
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    geoff got a reaction from mtaylor in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Welcome to MSW James , all the best, Geoff
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    geoff got a reaction from JamesBhm in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Welcome to MSW James , all the best, Geoff
  6. Like
    geoff reacted to Jim Rogers in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Copper plating is no big deal really.  You just start at the bottom by the rudder work forward and up. Over lap each course by half. I do a finish band about a quarter down the final course to make things look more finished. Others may have other techniques this is mine.

  7. Like
    geoff reacted to ccoyle in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Dunno -- never tried it myself. If you choose to build your kit in bare wood, then coppering is not essential. If you choose to paint it, then it won't be period-correct without the copper. But -- coppering on a small model like that one shouldn't be terribly difficult to do. At least, no more difficult than all of the other myriad tasks to learn. 🙂
  8. Like
    geoff reacted to JamesBhm in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Chris, thank you for the welcome. Speaking of "everything in do-able quantities," is copper plating (i.e., the "deluxe" Mermaid kit) usually feasible for relatively new builders or is that kind of thing best left for a future build?
  9. Like
    geoff reacted to JamesBhm in Hello from Alabama, US   
    No problem Jim. I'm a Louisiana native so I'm with you! When it comes to the Crimson Tide, I just smile and nod (for my own physical safety). Looking forward to benefitting from the experience of this group.
  10. Like
    geoff reacted to Jim Rogers in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Welcome aboard James. Being a born and bred LSU Tiger fan I won’t comment on the Crimson Tide, always thought that was a form of fish killing algae. 😂🤣😂.
    The members of this site are a great bunch, always helpful never denigrating. Very, very rare in today’s world. We even love guys from Alabama.
  11. Like
    geoff reacted to mtaylor in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Hi James,
    Welcome to MSW.    I think most of us will always regard ourselves as "noobs".  There's just so much learn and one thing is mastered, you look ahead and learn something new.  This is good for keeping the mind sharp and MSW is good for helping fill in those gaps.
  12. Like
    geoff reacted to ccoyle in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Being originally from California myself, I have no dog in the Tigers/Gamecocks debate that so clearly divides South Carolina. But I did wonder quite a bit, upon first arrival, why there were so many USC fans in this state. (People who don't see the point here just need to think about it a little bit -- it will dawn on you sooner or later.)
  13. Like
    geoff reacted to John Allen in Hello from Alabama, US   
    We welcome another red-neck, Roll Tide or Tigers. I'm still a noob but this is a great site.
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    geoff reacted to ccoyle in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Welcome, James, from SC (drove through Alabama on my way here -- lovely country).
    Every eye-rolling non-noob started out as a noob. Remembering that helps all of us to keep things in perspective. Cutters make very good entry-level projects -- not too many masts, not too many guns, but everything in doable quantities.
    Good luck with your project!
  15. Like
    geoff reacted to JamesBhm in Hello from Alabama, US   
    Hi All,
    My name is James and I'm coming to MSW from the "Steel City" of Birmingham, Alabama in the US. After lurking for a while and reading some really great posts, I decided to join and step out into the daylight. I usually cringe at hobby-related forums because there can be a little too much eye rolling and WAY too much use of the word "noob." I'm very impressed with the constructive and supportive tone here. Good membership, but I think the moderators set a good "top down" tone also. 
    My background is a pretty common story: modeling experience in other areas (plastic models, dioramas, couple of model railroads when I was younger, etc). I also have a story of "the one that got away" (from me). I was given a Artisania Latina (I think) Swift kit when I was about 13 or 14 years old. Had a great time building the hull and deck, but had very little money, underdeveloped skills, and very few suitable tools for wood ship building. I never considered it a failure, just had to stop when I realized I'd hit my limit and dream about building another one someday. 30+ years later, I think I'm ready to take another shot as a good Fall/Winter project. 
    As for a build, I've been doing a lot of research. I decided on something along the lines of a naval cutter to work on a decent range of basic skills (single mast, gaff rig plus a couple of square yards, reasonable hull shape). I'm pretty sure I've settled on the MH Cutter Mermaid kit by Modeller's Shipyard. I like all the historical information available about it (including ship's logs, letters, drawings, etc), and there are a couple of good build logs for reference. The clincher was going through all the sketchbook drawings and paintings by P. P. King (thanks to the New South Wales State Library digital collection). I'm a pen & ink artist who has kept a field sketchbook at times, so that spoke to me. I'm also learning a little bit of Australian history and geography, so there's that!
    For now, I'm getting a modest little workspace together and stocking up on a few basic tools. I'll be ordering the kit soon and hope to muster the courage to start a build log.  
  16. Like
    geoff reacted to Seventynet in Hello from Slovenia   
    Welcome to this amazing forum. I understand completely your rationale for joining this forum. I have a similar story and had similar reasons for turning this way. The best decision I could have made.  I am sure you will have years of enjoyment  building models.
  17. Like
    geoff reacted to BETAQDAVE in Hello from Slovenia   
    I also am having to deal with MD, so I know something of its effects. (my version is Beckers) I found it a little easier to deal with once I discovered the limitations that I would have to live with, and how I could try to circumvent some of them.  I know that there are also several other members here that also deal with various disabilities. 
        Once I became confined to a wheelchair, I found that with some modifications to my tools and workshop, I could still do some ship modeling.  See my posting in Shore Leave under the Where do you do your modeling for some of the things I have had to change.
        I do feel somewhat fortunate that I live in the US, as many things that used to be impossible to do with a disability, are now possible due to the Americans With Disabilities Act.  I don't know how things are over where you are, but hopefully there are some allowances made for you. 
    Welcome to MSW
  18. Like
    geoff reacted to spars in Hello from Slovenia   
    I can empathise with your condition. Two people come to mind. The first is my wife's battle with terminal cancer. The second is Alfred Merric, elephant man. He created some beautiful stuff in paper. I saw these on you tube. Your interest will keep you young and at the top of your game.
  19. Like
    geoff got a reaction from BETAQDAVE in Hello from Slovenia   
    Welcome to MSW "Woodworm" all the best, Geoff
  20. Like
    geoff got a reaction from mtaylor in Hello from Slovenia   
    Welcome to MSW "Woodworm" all the best, Geoff
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    geoff reacted to Baker in Hello from Slovenia   
    And greetings
  22. Like
    geoff reacted to mtaylor in Hello from Slovenia   
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    geoff reacted to druxey in Hello from Slovenia   
    Welcome aboard!
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    geoff reacted to ccoyle in Hello from Slovenia   
    Welcome aboard! Slovenia is a beautiful country. Never been there myself, but the pictures have always looked nice.
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    geoff reacted to WoodWorm in Hello from Slovenia   
    Since i am new here i think it is appropriate to say hello and say few words..
    For long my main hobby were rc models and jealously looking at fine crafted static models, now(funny what life have in store) due to my deteriorating health(muscle dystrophy smth) i needed to find some new hobby to fill days,weeks and this checks all my boxes(i like theme, wood and smell of it etc..).. Anyway i am wandering on this forum and just sitting with amazement on my face and hoping that i could be half as good as some of you.. I hope you will bear with me in a bad or good..
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